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姓名 葉芳利(Fang-Li Yeh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 大氣科學學系
論文名稱 全球暖化下季風亞洲降水的變化
(Changes of precipitation in Monsoon Asia under Global Warming)
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★ The role of shallow convection in tropical circulation: a simple analytic approach★ Madden-Julian Oscillation的大氣雲–輻射效應在全球暖化下的變化
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摘要(中) 20世紀中期以後是人類溫室效應造成全球暖化最劇烈階段,全球平均地面氣溫在這短短50餘年間增加0.6℃以上。本研究應用1951-2007年間,日本氣象廳氣象研究所和日本綜合地球環境學研究所研發的【亞洲降水高解析度陸地日降雨網格資料】(APHRODITE,V1101)來分析亞洲季風區之降雨量、降雨日、雨跡日及無降水日在全球暖化下的變化。資料分析顯示,沿海地區、海島地區及熱帶地區的年降雨量較豐沛,但可以發現降雨量豐沛的地區,其降雨日天數並不一定也很多,這意味著各地區降雨強度不盡相同。全球暖化可能使得熱帶赤道地區降水強度下降、中國東北部降水量及降水強度皆下降、中國東南部降水強度增加、印度地區降水強度下降。
不同降雨事件發生的頻率在地理分布上的變化顯示,前十年(1951-1960年)與後十年(1998-2007年)絕對變化差異大的事件為強度偏弱的降水事件。也可以知道不論是何種氣候區,整個亞洲季風區主要的降水量變化皆來自非常弱及弱降水事件。以非常弱(0.1~1 mm/day)、弱(1~10 mm/day)、中等(10~25 mm/day)、強(25~50 mm/day)及非常強(大於50 mm/day)降水事件來分析降雨量、降雨日的各種變化,發現九個氣候區中以熱帶雨林氣候區、副熱帶季風氣候區、溫帶海洋氣候區的降雨事件變化情況比較顯著。
摘要(英) Since the 2nd half of the 20th century, anthropogenic greenhouse effect has caused the rapidest global warming trend ever in human history. The global-mean surface air temperature increased greater than 0.6℃ in the past fifty years. In this thesis research, we used a high-resolution precipitation reanalysis data, the “Asian Precipitation - Highly - Resolved Observational Data Integration Towards Evaluation” (APHRODITE,V1101) to examine changes of precipitation amount, precipitation days, trace days and dry days in Monsoon Asia over the period from 1951 to 2007. The results showed that precipitation intensity is larger over coastal areas of Asian continent and maritime continent. Precipitation day shows a significant non-homogeneous distribution in Monsoon Asia which also implies the strong non-homogeneity of precipitation intensity. Under global warming, the precipitation intensity tends to weaken in tropical equator, the precipitation amount and precipitation intensity appears to decrease in northeast China, the precipitation intensity tends to strengthen in southeast China, and the precipitation intensity appears to weaken in India.
Examining changes in frequency of five precipitation categories showed that differences in precipitation intensity of very light and light precipitation events are largest over the study period. We also found that, no matter in which climatic zones, the very light and light precipitation events mainly contribute to changes in precipitation amount in Monsoon Asia. We also used five precipitation categories (very light, light, moderate, heavy, and very heavy) to analyze changes of precipitation amount and precipitation days. Only modest changes of precipitation amount were found over the study period in nine climate zones except for the tropical rainforest climate, subtropical monsoon climate, and temperate maritime climate zones.
Under global warming, trends of precipitation amount were all reduced in nine climate zones. Trend of precipitation amount in Tropical rainforest climate was obviously reduced among nine climate zones. Changes in precipitation frequency were found mainly on moderate and heavy precipitation events. the relative change of precipitation frequency increases in temperate maritime climate, with values around 100-300%. Conversely, the relative change of precipitation frequency decreases in Tropical rainforest climate and subtropical monsoon climate, with values around 20-80%. Next, relative changes of precipitation intensity are similar to relative changes of precipitation frequency, i.e., the relative change of intensity largely increases for heavy precipitation among all precipitation events in temperate maritime climate, and largest decrease in tropical rainforest climate. Consequently, it is expected that changes of precipitation trend and the associated non-uniform distribution for all climate regions must be related to environment factors.
For the quantitative analysis, we used the moisture budget equation to explore mechanism responsible for changes of precipitation amount in tropical rainforest climate, subtropical monsoon climate, and temperate maritime climate. The vertical moisture advection due to convection change is the main contribution effect leading to precipitation changes term in the tropical rainforest climate, subtropical monsoon climate, and temperate maritime climate. In other words, anomalous divergence and subsidence lead to reduce rainfall in tropical rainforest climate, subtropical monsoon climate, and temperate maritime climate.
In conclusion, changes of precipitation showed a non-uniform geographical distribution in Monsoon Asia, in general, disobeying the “wet-get-wetter and dry-get-drier” hypothesis. Specifically, changes in precipitation are controlled by changes in convection. As for the nine climate zones, changes of various rainfall events are not always the same in all climate zones. In the future, we will use different data to analyze how global warming impacts precipitation frequency and intensity.
關鍵字(中) ★ 全球暖化
★ 降水強度
★ 降水頻率
★ 水氣收支方程
關鍵字(英) ★ Global warming
★ precipitation intensity
★ precipitation frequency
★ moisture budget equation
論文目次 摘要·····I
2.1 資料來源·····5
2.1.1 降水觀測資料·····5
2.1.2 再分析資料·····5
2.2 研究方法·····6
2.2.1氣候分類(Climate classification)·····7
2.2.3經驗正交函數(Empirical Orthogonal Function, EOF)·····9
2.2.4奇異值分解(Singular Value Decomposition, SVD)·····10
2.2.5降水分類(Precipitation classification)·····11
2.2.6水氣收支方程(moisture budget)·····11
3.1 降雨時空特徵·····18
3.1.1 經驗正交函數(EOF)·····18
3.1.2 奇異值分解(SVD)·····19
4.1 氣候區之降雨量趨勢·····42
5.1 降雨頻率(FREQUENCY)·····63
6.1 水氣收支方程分析·····77
7.1 結論·····85
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指導教授 余嘉裕(Jia-Yuh Yu) 審核日期 2018-5-1
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