摘要(英) |
Study on the Competitiveness of the Plastic Cover Lens Manufacturer Entering the Automotive Display Supply Chain
– A Case Study of the E Company
Total page number:63
Program and university:Institute of Industrial Management, National Central University
Graduation semester and year:2018 spring semester
Student:Chun-Te Yu
Thesis advisor:Dr. Ying-Chin Ho
Automotive display is one of the panel industry which can maintain the growth of the application market, as a result, various manufacturers have avoided the highly competitive blue ocean of consumer electronics. With the increasing demand for multi-use automotive display, the trend of its technology will also have different development due to different needs of product areas. Therefore, new manufacturers and new materials have been added to the supply chain of automotive display. If new entrants can grasp both the market and technical aspects properly, they will be able to enter the blue ocean market and avoid the fierce bloody battle of market prices. The case company belongs to the new vendor of the automotive display supply chain. How a business strategy improves the competitiveness of the case company is an important issue.This study will be the case E company(plastic cover lens manufacturer) as an example. Based on the business strategy, we analyze the company′s strategic facets and patterns, and use SWOT analysis to examine the case company′s internal competition advantages and disadvantages and external environmento pportunities and threats. And use the five forces analysis framework to understand the competitive situation of the upstream suppliers, downstream customers, existing competitors, new entrants and substitutes of the plastic cover lens manufacturer, and study and analyze them one by one to make the overall analysis framework more complete.Finally, based on the above analysis methods and combined with the future development trend of automotive display industry, we can find out the case company′s competitive advantage and enhance the competitiveness of the strategy, put forward the corresponding business model, method, let the case company as a reference for business strategy.
Keywords:Plastic cover lens, Competitiveness, Automotive display, Business strategy, SWOT, Five forces analysis. |
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