博碩士論文 104322001 詳細資訊

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姓名 沈世涵(Shih-Han Shen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 以離心模型試驗探討逆斷層作用下單樁與土壤互制反應
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摘要(中) 臺灣地處環太平洋地震帶,板塊運動致使斷層活動頻繁,強烈的地震波,會造成岩盤錯動、地層液化、邊坡滑動等上覆土層的永久變形,皆會對鄰近斷層帶的地上或地下結構物與設施造成嚴重損毀。因此瞭解斷層跡影響範圍及斷層與土層中結構物之互制關係,可作為近斷層區域樁基礎規劃與設計的參考,減少人員傷亡。
摘要(英) Plate motion causes fault activity frequently because Taiwan is situated on the circum Pacific belt, resulting in the permanent displacement of the upper overlying layer like dislocation of the bedrock, ground liquefaction, slope sliding. Due to the reasons above, the construction on the ground or underground would be severely damaged near the fault area. To know the range for the trail of the fault and the interaction between the fault and the soil layer, the reference has to be taken for the design and planning of the pile foundation in the near-fault area.
This research includes the distance between the single pile and the surface of the fault dislocation, investigating the behavior of the interaction between the pile and the soil. Point bearing pile and the friction pile would be compared in the same testing condition as well. In the experiment, the behavior of the dislocation of the reverse fault is simulated by using fault simulation container with 60g in the centrifugal gravity field.
The results indicate that the trail of the fault develops from the bedrock to the ground and generates from the lower plate to the upper plate instead of the type of the pile or the location of the pile. The slope uplift on the ground, soil surface deformation mechanism correlate with the location of the pile rather than the type of the pile. The width of the shear zone gets narrower as the pile foundation gets closer to the surface of the fault dislocation. Although the moment measured from the pile gets larger at the same time, the maximum moment may not occur at the maximum displacement. The interaction like the soil and the distance of the piles should be considered as well.
關鍵字(中) ★ 離心模型試驗
★ 逆斷層
★ 單樁
關鍵字(英) ★ Centrifugal model test
★ reverse fault
★ single pile
論文目次 摘要 I
謝誌 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 研究方法 2
1.3 論文架構 3
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 離心模型原理 6
2.1.1 離心模型之基本相似率 6
2.1.2 科氏加速度的影響 7
2.1.3 離心模型試驗之模型模擬 8
2.2 樁基礎受軸向力之相關研究 9
2.2.1 基樁之極限支承理論 10
2.2.2 基樁之沉陷與支承力 11
2.3 樁基礎受水平力之相關研究 12
2.3.1 溫克模式 (Winkler model) 12
2.4 樁基礎之相關規範 14
2.5 斷層引致地表變型之相關研究 15
2.5.1 現地調查 15
2.5.2 物理砂箱試驗 16
2.5.3 數值模擬分析 18
2.6 近斷層帶開發相關規範 19
第三章 試驗方法與設備 37
3.1 試驗方法 37
3.2 試驗砂樣之基本性質 37
3.3 試驗儀器及相關設備 38
3.3.1 地工離心機 38
3.3.2 自動控制與資料擷取系統 38
3.3.3 移動式霣降儀 38
3.3.4 斷層錯動模擬試驗箱 39
3.3.5 地表剖面掃描台車 40
3.3.6 斷層垂直抬升量監測架 40
3.3.7 監測錄影機 40
3.3.8 量測儀器 40
3.4 離心試驗單樁模型設計 41
3.5 試驗準備步驟與流程 42
3.5.1 前置準備 42
3.5.2 模型試體製作 43
3.5.3 試驗流程 44
第四章 試驗結果與分析 65
4.1 試驗規劃與條件 65
4.1.1 試驗條件 65
4.1.2 座標系統與符號定義 65
4.1.3 試驗規劃 65
4.2 利用回歸曲線推求單樁彎矩分佈 66
4.3 乾砂自由場試驗結果 67
4.4 點承樁試驗結果 67
4.4.1 PBP-test1(S/B=1) 67
4.4.2 PBP-test2(S/B=0.5) 69
4.4.3 PBP-test3(S/B=-1.77) 70
4.4.4 PBP試驗小結 72
4.5 摩擦樁試驗結果 73
4.5.1 FP-test1(S/B=1) 73
4.5.2 FP-test2(S/B=0.5) 75
4.5.3 FP-test3(S/B=-1.77) 76
4.5.4 FP小結 78
4.6 綜合比較 78
第五章 結論與建議 134
5.1 結論 134
5.2 建議 135
參考文獻 136
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指導教授 李姿瑩 李崇正(Tzu-Ying Lee Chung-Jung Lee) 審核日期 2018-8-22
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