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姓名 邱歆茹(Hsin-Ju Chiu) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 工業管理研究所 論文名稱 產品替代性與互補性下之Category Captainship
(Category Captainship under product substitution and complementarity)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式]
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摘要(中) Category Captainship (CC)是零售商將品類管理外包給領先的製造商的一項作法。在過去消費品行業的零售商會採用Retail Category Management (RCM)作為品類管理的作法。由於考慮到新興產品的快速崛起影響了市場的競爭,Category Captainship也變得更加普及。隨著市場越來越重視品類管理,市場資料的收集及分析變得更加重要,相對地,也伴隨著更多的管理成本,例如:數據分析成本、營運成本、訂單處理成本…等等,故如何有效的降低管理成本也是個很重要的議題。
在過去的品類管理研究,大多的文獻探討於兩個產品甚至多個產品在同一個品類中只有替代關係或是互補關係下對於所有成員的利潤影響。本文中參考了Singh and Vives (1984)所提出的效用函數並增加了一項參數使此效用函數同時能描述在同一品類中存在替代關係及互補關係的產品並且推導出兩個替代品及一個互補品的需求函數。同時延伸Kurtulus and Toktay (2011)的方法說明了在三個產品且兩種品類管理且貨架空間考量的情況下,零售商如何分配貨架空間、製造商如何制定最優批發價、零售商或隊長如何制定最優銷售價去最大化他們的利潤。摘要(英) Category Captainship(CC) is a practice for retailer outsourcing category management to leading manufacturers. In the past, retailers in the consumer goods industry adopted RCM as a category management. Considering that the rapid rise of emerging products has affected the market competition, CC has also become more popular. As the market pays more attention to category management, the collection and analysis of market data becomes more important. How to effectively reduce management costs is also a very important issue.
In past category management studies, most of the literature explored the impact on profits of all members of the two products or even multiple products in the same category with only substitutive or complementary relationships. This article refers to the utility function proposed by Singh and Vives (1984) and adds a parameter that enables this utility function to simultaneously describe products with substitutive relationships and complementary relationships in the same category and derive the demand function of two substitute products and one complementary product. Extending the method of Kurtulus and Toktay (2011) to discuss how retailers allocate shelf space, how manufacturers determine the optimal wholesale price, and how retailers or category captains how to set the optimal sales price to maximize their profits with the situation of three products and shelf space considerations under RCM and CC.關鍵字(中) ★ 供應鏈管理
★ 品類領導
★ 品類管理
★ 替代品
★ 互補品
★ 定價及貨架空間決策關鍵字(英) ★ supply chain management
★ category management
★ category captain
★ substitute product
★ complementary product
★ pricing and shelf space allocation論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
Contents iv
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research background and motivation 1
1.2 Research objective 9
1.3 Research Methodology 10
Chapter 2 Literature Review 12
2.1 Research for Utility Function and Demand Function problems 12
2.2 Research for Shelf space and pricing of Retail Category Management 14
2.3 Research for Category Captainship 14
Chapter 3 Model Construct 17
Chapter 4 Analysis 23
4.1 RCM scenario 23
4.2 CC scenario 30
4.3 The impact of CC 39
4.4 Numerical analysis 45
Chapter 5 Conclusions 51
5.1 Conclusions and contributions 51
5.2 Future researches 52
References 53參考文獻 [1] Amir, R., &Jin, J. Y.Cournot and Bertrand equilibria compared: substitutability, complementarity and concavity. International Journal of Industrial Organization,19(3-4), 303-317, 2001.
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