論文目次 |
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research background and motivation 1
1.2 Research objectives 7
1.3 Research methodology 8
Chapter 2 Literature Review 10
2.1 Researches for the utility function and demand function 10
2.2 Researches for the shelf space 11
2.3 Researches for Retailer Category Management and Category Captainship scenario 12
Chapter 3 The model of non-symmetric demand function 15
3.1 The model under non-symmetric demand function in RCM scenario 16
3.2 The model under non-symmetric demand function in category captainship scenario 19
Chapter 4 Analysis of Substitute Products 22
4.1 RCM scenario 22
4.2 CC scenario 27
4.3 The impact of CC scenario 31
4.4 Numerical analysis 35
Chapter 5 Conclusions 56
5.1 Conclusions and contributions 56
5.2 Future researches 57
Reference 58
Appendix A 60
Appendix B.1 61
Appendix B.2 (Wholesale Price Game in RCM) 64
Appendix B.3. Proof of Proposition 1 69
Appendix C.1 72
Appendix C.2 (Second Manufacturer’s Wholesale Price in CC) 75
Appendix C.3. Proof of Proposition 2 79
Appendix D. 82
Appendix E. The auxiliary expressions for the equations shown in the Propositions 91
List of Figures
Figure 3-1 Background of the model 15
Figure 4-1 A representation of relative profits and consumer surplus 34
Figure 4-2 Indifference curve for k=0.0,a/b=0.4 36
Figure 4-3 Indifference curve for k=0.0,a/b=0.8 37
Figure 4-4 Indifference curve for k=0.0,a/b=1.0 38
Figure 4-5 Indifference curve for k=0.0,a/b=1.6 39
Figure 4-6 Indifference curve for k=0.3,a/b=0.4 40
Figure 4-7 Indifference curve for k=0.3,a/b=0.8 41
Figure 4-8 Indifference curve for k=0.3,a/b=1.0 41
Figure 4-9 Indifference curve for k=0.3,a/b=1.2 42
Figure 4-10 Indifference curve for k=0.3,a/b=1.6 43
Figure 4-11 Indifference curve for k=0.6,a/b=0.4 44
Figure 4-12 Indifference curve for k=0.6,a/b=0.8 45
Figure 4-13 Indifference curve for k=0.6,a/b=1.0 45
Figure 4-14 Indifference curve for k=0.6,a/b=1.2 46
Figure 4-15 Indifference curve for k=0.6,a/b=1.6 47
Figure 4-16 Indifference Curves for the Retailer with different a/b 48
Figure 4-17 Indifference Curves for the retailer with different δ2 50
Figure 4-18 All case under indifference curves for k=0.3, δ1=0.5 53
Figure 4-19 All case under indifference curves for k=0.3, δ1=0.5 54
Figure 4-20 All case under indifference curves for k=0.3, a=0.5 55
List of Tables
Table 4-1 The numerical results for various a/b under RCM scenario (with δ1=0.5, δ2=0.5 ,θ=0.8, k=0.3 ,a=5,c=1). 24
Table 4-2 The numerical results for various k under RCM scenario (with δ1=0.5, δ2=0.5 ,θ=0.8 ,a=5, b=5 c=1). 24
Table 4-3 The numerical results for various θ under RCM scenario (with δ1=0.5, δ2=0.5 , k=0.3 ,a=5, b=5 c=1). 25
Table 4-4 The numerical results for various δ1/δ2 under RCM scenario (with δ1=0.5, k=0.3, a=5, b=5 , c=1 and θ=0.8). 26
Table 4-5 The numerical results for various a/b under CC scenario (with δ1=0.5, δ2=0.5 ,θ=0.8, k=0.3 ,a=5,c=1, ?=0.8) 28
Table 4-6 The numerical results for various k under CC scenario (with δ1=0.5, δ2=0.5 ,θ=0.8 ,a=5, b=5 c=1, ?=0.8). 29
Table 4-7 The numerical results for various θ under CC scenario (with δ1=0.5, δ2=0.5 , k=0.3 ,a=5, b=5 c=1, ?=0.8). 29
Table 4-8 The numerical results for various δ1/δ2 under CC scenario (withδ1=0.5, k=0.3, a=5, b=5 c=1 and θ=0.8, ?=0.8). 30
Table 4-9 All cases under each condition. 53 |
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