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姓名 劉柏彥(Po-Yen Liu) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 天文研究所 論文名稱
(An Investigation on the Origin of Centaurs’ Color-Inclination Relation)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) 半人馬小行星的表面顏色之雙峰分佈的起源一直存在著爭論。
用來解釋半人馬小行星之顏色與傾角的關係。摘要(英) Since its discovery, there has been a debate on the origin of the bimodal color distribution of Centaurs in the past few decades. In principle, two theories have been proposed to explain this bimodal color distribution: (1) evolutionary processes resulting in changes of the surface properties of Centaurs, and, (2) compositional di?erences inherited from the primordial origin of Centaurs. What might be more intriguing is that Centaurs also show a correlation between their orbital inclinations and colors that the blue (B-R?1.4) and red (B-R>1.4) Centaurs tend to be characterized by high and low inclination distributions, respectively. In this study, we consider two hypotheses to explain the color-inclination relation based on the two major theories of explaining the bimodal
color distribution mentioned above. Namely, we consider: (1) Initially, the scattering Kuiper Belt objects (SKBOs) have no color-inclination relation. When they evolve into Centaurs with perihelion distances within Saturn’s orbit, the gravitational e?ect of Saturn or Jupiter becomes strong enough to greatly change the inclinations of Centaurs. At the same time, the thermal radiation is also strong enough to trigger cometary activities to produce the blue surface colors; (2) Assuming that the SKBOs also
have color-inclination relation (which is unclear yet), and this relation is statistically preserved when they evolved into Centaurs. We perform numerical simulations on 158 observed Centaurs (58 of them have color information) and 82 observed SKBOs to investigate their dynamical evolution. Our results show that the color-inclination relation of Centaurs is more likely to inherit from SKBOs. We ?nd that our hypothesis (2) is more likely to explain
the color-inclination relation of Centaurs.關鍵字(中) ★ 半人馬小行星 關鍵字(英) ★ Centaur
★ inclination
★ color
★ KBO論文目次 摘要 ...................................................................... i
Abstract ............................................................... ii
謝誌 ...................................................................... iii
Contents ................................................................ iv
List of ?gures ........................................................ v
List of tables ......................................................... vii
1. Introduction .................................................... 1
1.1 The Kuiper Belt as the origin of the short-period comets ....... 1
1.2 Current understanding of the Centaurs.................................... 4
1.3 The color bimodality and color-inclination relation of Cen-
taurs ......................................................................................... 5
1.4 Color change of Centaurs induced by evolutionary process...... 8
1.5 A primordial color di?erence in Centaurs ................................ 10
2. Methods........................................................... 12
2.1 Numerical simulations .............................................................. 12
2.2 Run A....................................................................................... 12
2.3 Run B....................................................................................... 13
2.4 Dynamical classi?cation ........................................................... 14
3. Results............................................................. 15
3.1 Dynamical analyses of the observed Centaurs (Run A) ........... 15
3.2 The evolution and end states of the SKBOs (Run B) .............. 22
3.3 The q-based test ....................................................................... 24
3.4 The i-based test........................................................................ 27
4. Discussions ...................................................... 34
4.1 Saturn as a barrier for the dynamical lifetimes of Centaurs..... 34
4.2 The erased color-inclination relation in Jupiter-Saturn region . 37
5. Summary ......................................................... 41
References ............................................................. 43
Appendix............................................................... 47參考文獻 Bauer, J. M., Grav, T., Blauvelt, E., Mainzer, A. K., Masiero, J. R.,
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