摘要(英) |
In this thesis, used the interferometry antenna array built at Chung-Li 52MHz VHF radar station, this array built in 2012,and the whole antenna array is asymmetrical cross array with 5 Yagi-antenna array. We can get the position of the lightning in space by the phase bias caused by propagation from lightning to the different antenna. Finally, the three - dimensional distribution of lightning in space can be fully presented by using the interferometry antenna equation.
Lightning usually occurs during rain, this study compares the data of Chung-Li VHF radar and C-POL radar, and finds that the frequency of lightning occurrence in different periods is related to the intensity of C-POL radar.
After comparing the data of CWB、Chung-Li VHF radar and C-POL radar, it was found that the location of the lightning would move due to the drift of the thunderstorm, after further comparing the wind field obtained by WISSDOM with the speed of the thunderstorm, the result are not far behind. |
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