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姓名 莊宇仁(Yu-jen Chuang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 認知與神經科學研究所
論文名稱 以跨顱磁刺激探討左側下部頂葉以及左側上部頂葉的功能在中文處理中所扮演的角色
(The function of left inferior / superior parietal lobule in Chinese character processing- a TMS study)
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★ 以數學模型及跨顱磁刺激探討注意力分配及眼球運動準備歷程★ 學齡前兒童之視覺注意力發展及電腦化注意力訓練效果之探討
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摘要(中) 本研究目前主要是使用跨顱磁刺激以探討左側下部頂葉皮質(left inferior parietal lobule,l-IPL)以及左側上部頂葉皮質(left superior parietal lobule,l-SPL),而我們預期這兩個區域應與中文語音處理歷程相關,並以中文規則性效果做為語音處理的指標。從過去的研究中,當受試者被要求唸出一個不規則字(音旁與單字本身發音不一致)時相較於一個規則字(音旁與單字發音相同)會變得比較慢。我們預期當跨顱磁刺激會影響到腦區的活動,進而影響規則性效果的形態。實驗一、二、三皆是以唸名作業的方式進行並以跨顱磁刺激施打於l-IPL以及l-SPL。在這些不同跨顱磁刺激典範中,不論跨顱磁刺激施打的區域皆未影響到規則性效果的產生。然而在給予跨顱磁刺激後,在反應時間的表現上,l-IPL以及l-SPL的反應並非是完全相同的。當跨顱磁刺激施打於l-IPL後受試者的表現相較於施打於l-SPL會變得較慢。在實驗四則是以適應典範(adaptation paradigm)來進行語音處理的探討。實驗結果顯示,即使是非作業相關的刺激,這些刺激的規則性仍然會影響到接下來受試者在規則性判斷作業的表現。
摘要(英) Four experiments were carried out to examine the functional roles of left inferior/superior parietal lobule in Chinese phonological processing with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) and the manipulation of the regularity of Chinese regularity. Previous studies have demonstrated that naming irregular Chinese character (i.e.: the pronunciation of phonological radical is different from the whole character) takes longer response time than naming the regular characters (phonological radical share the same pronunciation with whole character). We expected that the TMS would change the pattern of regularity effect. Experiments 1, 2, 3 were naming tasks and TMS applied over inferior/superior parietal lobule. Several TMS protocols were applied across the experiments. The regularity effects of Chinese characters were all observed across the exps. However, the overall reaction times of characters- naming in IPL TMS were slower than SPL TMS. In experiment 4, we used an adaptation paradigm to explore the Chinese phonological processing. The result showed that the regularity of task-unrelated stimulus affected the performance in regularity judgment task.
The preliminary results suggest that the function of IPL and SPL in the processing of the Chinese characters are not identical. The regularity effects were modified in the adaptation paradigm but not in the naming task. Our results suggest that the adaptation task with TMS can possibly further discriminate the functions of IPL and SPL in Chinese character processing (Cattaneo et al., 2009 ).
關鍵字(中) ★ 跨顱磁刺激
★ 規則性效果
★ 中文語音處理
關鍵字(英) ★ TMS
★ Regularity effect
★ Chinese character processing
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
文獻探討 - 1 -
中文語言特性 - 1 -
中文語音處理的腦神經基礎 - 5 -
TMS在腦神經科學的角色 - 13 -
一、 實驗一Naming task- TMS - 16 -
1. 實驗目的 - 16 -
2. 研究方法 - 16 -
3. 實驗結果 - 20 -
4. 討論 - 23 -
二、 實驗二Naming task- rTMS - 30 -
1. 實驗目的 - 30 -
2. 研究方法 - 30 -
3. 實驗結果 - 33 -
4. 討論 - 34 -
三、 實驗三Naming task - theta burst paradigms - 36 -
1. 實驗目的 - 36 -
2. 研究方法 - 36 -
3. 實驗結果 - 37 -
4. 討論 - 39 -
四、 實驗四 adaptation Paradigm-Behavior experiment - 42 -
1. 實驗目的 - 42 -
2. 研究方法 - 44 -
3. 實驗結果 - 46 -
4. 討論 - 48 -
綜合討論 - 51 -
參考文獻 - 56 -
附錄 - 60 -
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指導教授 阮啟弘(Chi-Hung Juan) 審核日期 2009-2-4
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