摘要(英) |
This study explored the key factors of the ODM (Original Design Manufacturer) for the
Gaming Notebook Keyboard supplier, through the selection of relevant documents and expert
opinions, and then developed the Gaming Notebook (Gaming Notebook). )′s Keyboard
16-item measurement criteria, and use hierarchical analysis as a research method to establish
a 4 dimensions. The first layer is the key factor for the gaming of the Gaming Notebook, and
the second layer is the 4 dimensions. i.e., cost, quality, technical capabilities, supplier
operation management, and the third layer for the 16 sub-criteria.
The results of the study found that after integrating the seven expert opinions of this
study, the weights between the criteria and attributes were further summarized. Among the
four evaluation dimensions, the most importance was on quality, followed by cost, and the
overall weights of the 16 sub- criteria. In comparison, the top three most highly valued items
are “Product Quality Reliability”, “Product Quality” and “Product Quality guarantee” in the
order of quality, and the fourth item is the cost aspect. "Product price." It can be seen that the
key factor selected by Gaming Notebook is the highest quality. It can also be seen that
Gaming Notebook focuses on quality and user experience, and price is not the most critical
consideration. |
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