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姓名 霍修文(Matthew David Hopkins)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
(A Comparison of American-Taiwanese Customers‘ Attitudes Towards Door-to-Door Logistics Using AHP)
★ 全球供應鏈下專業代工夥伴的管理模組與績效評估模組之因果關係的研究-- 以A公司為例★ 以平衡計分卡的觀念及層級分析法所建立的 相連部件供應商篩選模式– 個案研究
★ 接單式生產環境下之物料管控問題的探討 -- 以一牙科用鹵素燈生產業者為研究對象★ 國際標準品質管理系統共同之關鍵成功因素對組織績效的影響
★ 工業安全衛生研究與探討-以高科技A公司作業流程為例★ 推行六標準差品質管理系統之研究 -- 以A公司為例
★ 記憶體模組廠商進入小型記憶卡的產業競爭優勢之探討★ 電子產品製造商成立模具中心之優劣分析—以A公司為研究對象
★ 臺灣筆記型電腦廠商績效分析★ 設計協同機制導入過程及實施績效探討- 以 A 公司為例
★ JIT交貨看板電子化導入與應用方式之探討--以A公司為研究對象★ 顧客關係管理關鍵影響因素之研究 - 以S公司為例
★ 供應商端綠色產品管理系統之研究--以國內主要鋁鎂合金件供應商(W科技公司)為例★ 台灣IP安全監控產業之競爭優勢與策略建構-以A公司IP監控產品為例
★ 探討ERP系統導入後之組織績效-以A公司為對象分析★ 拉式生產模式的物料管理資訊系統導入--以A公司為例
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摘要(中) 抽象
目的 - 本文的論點是對美國和台灣消費者進行比較分析,以深入了解物流供應商服務的偏好。本文的目的是關注兩個樣本群體之間的差異,以提高公司在市場中的競爭力。
摘要(英) Abstract
Purpose - This paper’s contention is to provide a comparative analysis of American and Taiwanese consumers to gain insight into preferences with regards to logistics supplier services. The purpose of this paper was to focus on the differences between two sample populations in order to increase company competitiveness in the market place.
Design/Methodology/Approach – This research used pre-surveys to validate three dimensions along with a total of fourteen criteria allocated within each dimension respectively. Once this had been finished the use of The Analytical Hierarchy Process(AHP) to systemically locate which tangible and intangible factors directly impact consumer’s attitudes in the hope of gaining crucial information regarding attracting and retaining customers which can be invaluable to a manager looking to expand operations into new markets. If differences are found the correct utilization of the results can improve share of wallet, customer satisfaction scores, and overall company outlook.
Findings – According to the research there exists certain expectations between each of the sample population groups. The American group puts large emphasis on Reliability, Order Condition and Freight Price, whereas the Taiwanese sample population put emphasis on Information at Order Placement, Reliability, and Conformance. These differences can be attributed to size of country, cultural attitudes towards services which are provided to them as well as general standard operation procedures which exists in each country respectively.
Research implications - In this thesis, the services provided by a logistics provider will be examined from the viewpoint of an average customer. Using AHP to way to gain insight into certain preferences that customers have with regards to logistic services. The results will have indicated which company is an ideal choice, but the qualifications that made this company the ideal choice is the true motivation of writing this paper. For this reason, the software Super Decisions V2 was chosen for the functionality of its unweight and weighted matrices. These matrices allow for easy access to weights associated with each criteria which in turns measures the importance as indicated by each sample population. Hopefully this method will bear fruit which is useful for others in the logistics field and other academic areas. For simplicity sake the main research contribution this paper hopes to make is within the domains of problem identification and comparison. By using AHP’s pair-wise comparison to do a comparison of two distinct sample populations I hope to identify specific problems each sample has and conduct a meticulous comparison of each group.
Keywords: logistics, AHP, consumer knowledge management.
關鍵字(中) ★ 物流
關鍵字(英) ★ Logistics
★ Consumer Knowledge Management
論文目次 AABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................ II
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................1
Motivation for the research ...................................................................................................................... 1
Thesis Organization .................................................................................................................................. 2
Research Objectives ................................................................................................................................. 3
CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................4
Logistics .................................................................................................................................................... 4
Workforce Innovation and Agility ........................................................................................................... 4
The Phases of Logistics ............................................................................................................................. 5
Customer Knowledge and Acknowledging Customer Appreciation ...................................................... 8
Population Growth and Increasing Urbanization ................................................................................... 9
Urban Landscape.................................................................................................................................... 10
Table 1: Expected Population Growth................................................................................................... 11
Growing Importance of Freight in Asia................................................................................................. 12
Channels of Shopping ............................................................................................................................. 12
Shopping Online and What It Means for Logistics ............................................................................... 13
Role of Personal Values .......................................................................................................................... 15
Strategic Alliances and Logistics Outsourcing Company ..................................................................... 16
Selection Methods ................................................................................................................................... 17
Potential Problems Related to The Selection of a Provider .................................................................. 18
Criteria for The Selection Process ......................................................................................................... 18
Table 2: Criterion for Selection Process ................................................................................................ 19
CHAPTER 3 DATA AND METHODOLOGY .............................................................20
Methodology ........................................................................................................................................... 20
Analytical Hierarchy Process ................................................................................................................. 20
Table 3: AHP Analysis Comparison Scale According to Saaty ............................................................ 23
Figure 1: AHP Model ............................................................................................................................. 25
Pre-Questionnaire Design and Data Collection ..................................................................................... 26
Table 5: Responses from Pre-Survey ..................................................................................................... 27
Table 6: Means and Standard Deviations from Pre-Survey ................................................................. 28
Pre-Survey and Statistical Methods ....................................................................................................... 29
Explorative Factor, KMO, Cronbach’s and Factor analyses................................................................ 29
Table 7: KMO and Bartlett′s Test Source: SPSS 21(2012) ................................................................... 29
Table 9: Factor Analysis Showing PCA Eigenvalues Source: SPSS 21(2012) ...................................... 30
Table 10: Extracted Values from Communality Testing Source: SPSS 21(2012) ................................ 31
Incorporating the Decision Makers’ Judgements using Super Decisions V2 ....................................... 32
Table 11: Example of Sum and GEOMEANS Function in Excel ......................................................... 32
AHP Questionnaire and Evaluation Matrices in Super Decision V2.................................................... 33
Table 12: American Dimension 1 (Cost of Service) Matrix Source: Super Decisions V2 (2016) ......... 34
Table 13: American Dimension 2 (Operation Performance) Matrix Source: Super Decisions V2 (2016) ................................................................................................................................................................. 35
Table 16: Taiwanese Dimension 2 (Operation Performance) Matrix Source: Super Decisions V2 (2016) ................................................................................................................................................................. 38
Table 17: Taiwanese Dimension 3(Post Purchase) Matrix Source: Super Decisions V2 (2016) .......... 39
Evaluation of American and Taiwanese Sub-Criteria “Cost of Service” ............................................. 40
Table 19: Taiwanese Cost of Service Weights Source: Super Decisions V2 (2016) .............................. 41
Evaluation of American and Taiwanese Sub-Criteria “Operation Performance” .............................. 42
Table 20: American Operation Performance Weights Source: Super Decisions V2 (2016) ................ 43
Table 21: Taiwanese Operation Performance Weights Source: Super Decisions V2 (2016) ............... 43
Evaluation of American and Taiwanese Sub-Criteria “Post Purchase” .............................................. 44
Table 22: American Post Purchase Weights Source: Super Decisions V2 (2016) ................................ 45
Table 23: Taiwanese Post Purchase Weights Source: Super Decisions V2 (2016) ............................... 45
Table 24: American Local and Global Weight Calculations Source: Super Decisions V2 (2016) ....... 46
Table 25: Taiwanese Local and Global Weight Calculations Source: Super Decisions V2 (2016) ...... 47
Potential Providers ................................................................................................................................. 49
Pair-wise comparison of alternatives ..................................................................................................... 49
Table 26: Potential Provider Comparison Table ................................................................................... 50
Table 27: Pair-wise Comparison of Alternative Company ................................................................... 51
Table 28: Weights Associated with Each Alternative Company .......................................................... 53
CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .....................................................54
Table 29: American synthesized results Source: Super Decisions V2 (2016) ....................................... 54
Table 30: Taiwanese synthesized results Source: Super Decisions V2 (2016) ...................................... 55
Table 32: ′What if′ synthesized results Source: Super Decisions V2 (2016) ......................................... 55
Table 33: American Global Weights Source: Super Decisions V2 (2016) ............................................ 57
Table 34: Taiwanese Global Weights Source: Super Decisions V2 (2016) ........................................... 58
Table 35: Alternative Company Weights and Results Source: Super Decisions V2 (2016) ................. 59
Table 36: Top Five American (left side) and Taiwanese (right side) Preferences Source: Super Decisions V2 (2016) ................................................................................................................................. 60
Discussion ................................................................................................................................................ 61
CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION .................................................................................64
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ VII
APPENDICES ................................................................................................................... XI
Questionnaire forms used to facilitate comparisons of main and sub-attributes .................................. xii
AHP Questionnaire Survey (Chinese) .................................................................................................. xvii
AHP Questionnaire Survey (English) ................................................................................................... xxv
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指導教授 何應欽(Ying-Chin Ho) 審核日期 2018-7-30
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