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姓名 李家豪(Jia-Hau Li) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系 論文名稱 利用雙扭轉向列型液晶製作可電光調控之線性偏振光液晶光圈
(Electro-opto controllable aperture for linearly polarized lights using double twisted nematic liquid crystal cells)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) 本論文中利用高分子聚乙烯基?唑(簡稱PVK)製作扭轉向列型液晶(Twisted Nematic Liquid Crystals, 簡稱TNLC)之水平配向膜,並且利用PVK之光導電特性以及TNLC之線性偏振旋轉的特性製作可電光調制之液晶光圈,並且成功利用電控(施加直流電壓)及光控(照射紫光)的方式分別調控於常亮態(NW mode)下暗光圈及常暗態(NB mode)下亮光圈的光圈孔徑大小,光圈可調最大範圍約為紫光光束直徑大小。
在實驗中分別對單片90°-TNLC及雙片串聯45°-TNLC量測不同偏振方向之線偏振光入射後其出射光之線偏振度(DoLP)的關係,且使用鹵素光源分別入射此兩種TNLC液晶盒,觀察不同波長之線偏振光經過此兩種TNLC液晶盒出射後之光譜分布以及目視觀測之結果,經由上述實驗驗證雙片串聯45°-TNLC相較於單片90°-TNLC於實際應用上,其入射光並無波長範圍以及線偏振方向之限制。而在本論文中最後則使用了此液晶光圈,將其應用於液晶光圈快門,利用開關電壓而形成快門的效果,其中快門與光圈的控制在液晶光圈中即可完成。摘要(英) In this study, the poly(9-vinylcarbazole) (PVK) was adopted to be the planar alignment layer for a twisted nematic liquid crystal (TNLC) cell. Combing the photoconductive property of PVK and the polarization rotation property of TNLC, the fabricated TNLC cell can be applied as an electro-opto controllable LC aperture for linear polarized lights. The electrical control by an applied DC voltage and the optical control by a UV light illumination make the controllable aperture size of the ring-like aperture (normally white state) and the spot-like aperture (normally black state). The controllable range of aperture diameter is based on the spot size of UV light.
In addition to the demonstration of LC aperture by a single layer 90?-TNLC, this study also proposes that the combined two 45?-TNLC cells, also known as a tandem 90?-TNLC, can improve the performances of the electro-opto controllable LC aperture. The basic concept of the tandem 90?-TNLC is the self-compensation of the undesirable phase retardation. Hence, the degree of linear polarization (DoLP) value of the output beam and the transmittance after passing through an analyzer can be significantly improved. In other word, a LC aperture based on such a tandem 90?-TNLC cell is independent of wavelength and the direction of the polarization of the incident light so that the LC devices have high potential for practical applications.
The relationships between the polarization directions of the incident linearly polarized light and the DoLP values of output beams through a single layer 90?-TNLC and a tandem 90?-TNLC have been examined experimentally. Moreover, the transmittance spectra in the visible range of the output beam through the analyzer for these two cases of TNLC devices have also been discussed. According to the experimental results, the tandem 90?-TNLC is more widely applicable than the single 90?-TNLC due to its properties of independences of wavelength and the direction of input polarization. Finally, the LC aperture can be applied to combine with the properties of light shutters according to the electrical switching. By controlling the conditions of UV illumination and the applied DC voltage, the dose of light can be controlled by such a LC shutter.關鍵字(中) ★ 液晶相關應用
★ 液晶光圈
★ 扭轉向列型液晶關鍵字(英) 論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
符號說明 xiii
第一章 緒論 1
§1-1 前言 1
§1-2 研究動機 1
§1-3 論文架構 2
第二章 液晶簡介 3
§ 2-1 何謂液晶 3
§ 2-2 液晶分類 4
§ 2-3 液晶特性 11
2-3-1 光學異向性(Optical anisotropy) 11
2-3-2 介電異向性(Dielectric anisotropy, ?ε) 15
2-3-3 連續彈性體理論(Elastic continuum theory)[11] 16
2-3-4 溫度對向列型液晶的影響 18
2-3-5 Freedericksz transition 18
第三章 實驗相關理論 20
§ 3-1 聚乙烯基?唑[Poly(9-vinylcarbazole), PVK] 20
3-1-1 聚乙烯基?唑對於向列型液晶配向之理論[13] 20
3-1-2 聚乙烯基?唑薄膜之光導電性[13] 21
§ 3-2 扭轉向列型液晶(Twisted nematic liquid crystal, TNLC) 24
§ 3-3 線偏振旋轉(Linear-polarization rotation) 29
§ 3-4 線偏振度(Degree of linear polarization, DoLP)[24] 31
§ 3-5 串聯扭轉向列型液晶(Tandem TNLC)結構 [24] 31
第四章 樣品製作與實驗方法及架設 34
§ 4-1 材料介紹 34
§ 4-2 液晶盒製作 36
§ 4-3 實驗架設 39
4-3-1 液晶空盒厚度量測 39
4-3-2 實驗光路架設 40
第五章 實驗結果與討論 44
§ 5-1 利用PVK薄膜製作可電光調制之光圈 44
5-1-1 單片90°-TNLC及雙片串聯45°-TNLC之光電特性 45
5-1-2 單片90°-TNLC及雙片串聯45°-TNLC之可電光調控光圈 51
§ 5-2 比較單片90°-TNLC與雙片串聯45°-TNLC之性能差異 76
5-2-1 線偏振度(Degree of linear polarization, DoLP) 76
5-2-2 不同波長入射光之偏振旋轉及其穿透率 77
5-2-3 觀察不同偏振方向入射光經檢偏器後之出射情形 81
§ 5-3 利用雙片串聯45°-TNLC製作光圈快門 84
第六章 結論與未來展望 85
§ 6-1 結論 85
§ 6-2 未來展望 86
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