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姓名 阮塔尼(NGUYEN VAN THUAN)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 亞際文化研究國際學位學程
論文名稱 越南和台灣媒體的同性戀羞恥
(Gay Shame in Vietnamese and Taiwanese Media)
★ 情感裂隙與酷兒(對抗)位置性:當代台灣男同志E藥文化中的性與親密關係★ The Uses of "Men who have Sex with Men" in Taiwan's Official AIDS Discourse
★ 性平治理與友善校園:兒少保護主義的含蓄政治★ 男色為何物:晚明小說《弁而釵》、《宜春香質》、《龍陽逸史》中「情」作為文人意識的探討
★ 「行為的論述」:翻譯朱迪斯·霍伯斯坦的《女性陽剛》
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摘要(中) 摘要

摘要(英) Abstract

In 1980s, the homosexual lifestyle was largely concealed in East Asia, but in the 21st century, homosexuality has gained greater acceptance as Asian countries have become less conservative and more modern. Gay rights movements have now become firmly entrenched in the social consciousness, and homosexuality is portrayed more frequently in Asian films and social media, such that queer characters and issues are viewed with more respect and greater understanding. The purpose of this research was to investigate gay shame as well as the traditional constraints affecting gay men, with a particular focus on how these issues have been represented in contemporary Vietnamese and Taiwanese media over the past two decades. I also examined how the popularity of queer-themed media in these two countries has helped public opinion about the LGBT community shift from a prejudiced view to a more neutral one. This study aims to make a contribution to comparative understandings of queer issues in Vietnam and Taiwan.
關鍵字(中) ★ 同性戀羞辱
★ 酷兒問題
★ 人氣
★ 媒體
關鍵字(英) ★ gay shame
★ queer issues
★ popularity
★ media
論文目次 Table of Contents

English Abstract i

Chinese Abstract ii

Introduction 1

Shame and the Sexual Exposure of Gay Men 10

Media Reflections of Contemporary Gay Issues 25

The Impact of Media in Easing Gay Shame 46

Conclusion 51

Bibliography 52
參考文獻 Bibliography

Film sources
Ang, Lee (1993) The Wedding Banquet, Taiwan.
Nguyen, L. Dung (2011) Perfect Inspiration, Vietnam.
Vu, N. Dang (2011) Lost in Paradise, Vietnam.
Yuan, Tsao Jui (1986) Crystal Boys, Taiwan.

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指導教授 黃道明(Hans Tao-Ming Huang) 審核日期 2018-7-17
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