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楊世璋(Shih-Chang Yang)
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財務金融學系在職專班 |
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三大法人進出與台灣股票短期報酬關係之研究 (A Study on the Relationship between the Trading of the Three Major Institutional Investors and the Short-term Performance of Taiwan Stocks)
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摘要(中) |
本文探討台灣股市在2012 年至2017 年間,三大法人進出與台灣股票短期報酬關係之研究。在本文依0050追蹤的是台灣證券交易所與FTSE合作編製的台灣50指數。該指數由台股市場市值最大的50家公司所組成。 台灣50指數每三個月進行成份股審核(於每年的三、六、九、十二月)。審核時,假如非成份股的市值上升到第40名以上,則納入成份股。原先成份股的市值假如跌到61名以下,則自指數中刪除。這是簡單明確的選股規則,目的就是要囊括台股中市值最大的五十家公司。本文以2017年六月台灣0050指數前十大持股為標的,觀察三大法人進出行為是否與報酬率有關係並可以作為一般投資人投資之參考依據。實證結果發現,三大法人連續買(賣)超之股票呈現顯著之正(負)報酬。因此,三大法人進出行為確實與報酬率有顯著關係,投資人可以依三大法人進出行為的變化作為參考,讓資產穩健增長。 |
摘要(英) |
This paper investigates the relation between the three legal entities net buy-and-sell and the short-term performance of Taiwan Stocks from 2012 and 2017. Taiwan Top 50 ETF used in this article is developed by Taiwan Stock Exchange and FTSE. This index consists of the top 50 companies based on their market value. The constituents of Taiwan Top 50 ETF will be audited on March, June, September, and December every year. If a rank of a non-constituent stock’s market value rises to top 40, this stock will be included in Taiwan Top 50 ETF. In constrast, the constituent will be removed from Taiwan Top 50 ETF if the rank of its market value drops below sixty-first. This selection rule is simple and the purpose is to contain the top 50 companies based on market value.
This article uses top ten constistuents of Taiwan Top 50 ETF as samples and observes the relation between three legal entities’ behavior of buying and selling and stocks’ performance. The purpose is to test whether retail investors can take the behavior of three legal entities as reference. Empirical results show that the stock which is continuously bought (sold) by three legal entities has significantly positive (negative) return. In other words, three legal entities’ behavior have significant relation with stock return. Therefore, investors can take the change of three legal entities’ behavior as a reference to make assets grow stably |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 三大法人 ★ 台灣五十指數 ★ 報酬率 ★ 交易策略 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Three Major Institutional Investors ★ Taiwan Top 50 ETF ★ Stock return ★ Trading strategy |
論文目次 |
一、緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 研究架構 2
二、相關理論假說與文獻回顧 4
2-1 機構投資人鉅額交易對股價影響 4
2-2 國內相關研究文獻 5
三、研究方法 9
3-1 資料來源 9
3-2 研究資料概述 9
3-3 研究方法 14
四、實證結果 15
4-1 台灣50前十大持股外資買賣超報酬分析 15
4-2 台灣50前十大持股投信買賣超報酬分析 34
4-3 台灣50前十大持股自營商買賣超報酬分析 53
4-4 台灣50前十大持股三大法人買賣超報酬分析 73
五、結論與建議 93
參考文獻 94
表 1 投資人類別交易比重統計表 96
表 2 卓越50基金持股前十大明細 97
表 3 至表 42 台灣50前十大個股三大法人買賣超情形 98 |
參考文獻 |
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指導教授 |
吳庭斌(Ting-Pin Wu)
審核日期 |
2018-6-8 |
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