摘要(英) |
In recent years, raising awareness of environmental issues by global warming, economic and debt crisis, countries are still struggling with the consequences and trying to improve its economic situation. International capital markets are expected to play a significant role in financing green transformation. Green bond, a novel financial instrument, under the promotion from international community, green bond has experienced explosive growth. Through their investment practices and the signals they send to the wider investment market, they have the ability to cascade and drive green and sustainable capital through the investment chain. The Green Bond market aims to enable and develop the key role debt markets can play in funding projects that contribute to environmental sustainability. This thesis inquired into the green bond market and relevant mechanism until October 2017.
The Green Bond guidelines base on International Capital Market Association and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development as a reference in this thesis. The Green Bond Principles are voluntary process guidelines that recommend transparency and disclosure and promote integrity in the development of the Green Bond market by clarifying the approach for issuance of a Green Bond and that provide issuers with guidance on the key components involved in launching a credible Green Bond. Discussing the novel financial instrument not only to help green industries and economic situation in Taiwan but also helps expand the Green Bond Market and Improve National Economic System transformation. |
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