摘要(英) |
In order to maintain stable profitability, the company′s business objectives are expected to be long-term enterprise, also have successful brand. However, which facing the rapid global economic changes, companies are struggling with operations. Especially after the economic crisis, many central banks have introduced various quantitative easing monetary policies, which deepen the complexity of economic. Therefore, in addition to maintaining the existing production scale advantages, enterprises need to increase their advantage, like size of manufacturers, new technologies, new oversea markets, overseas investment increasing, greater labor productivity and other relevant ones. Strengthen the technology to obtain patents, and then upper the barriers to entry and create new market demands. Therefore, companies began to adjust their production mode —offshoring and outsourcing. This research analyzed the determinants of influence offshoring and OBU model. What are the factors that occurs this condition? We should observe its changes.
The empirical results of this research is that in the basic characteristics of manufacturers, companies with technical sales, export ratios, overseas investment, and high labor intensity, all with significant effect on offshore production (offshoring). There also have different empirical results for enterprise size and the classification of sub-industries. Hope to know more about offshoring and get more different opinions from experts. The research uses Taiwan′s computer manufacturing data as an example to illustrate, hope to create a complete corporate environment for companies or governments. |
參考文獻 |
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