摘要(英) |
After experiencing the first strike in 2016, China Airlines brought many issues to the society, including the background of the strike, the process of the strike and the impact of the follow-up. This study focused on the impact of the strike on the demand side of China Airlines. That is to say, whether this strike will affect the passengers’ willingness to take China Airlines in the future. Taking foreign aviation as an example, frequent strikes will lead to a lot of inconvenience to passengers, and thus avoid choosing this airline. Whether the impact be the same as foreign country in Taiwan is the main discussion of this research.
Therefore, this study explored the impact of strikes on demand side and took China Airlines as an example. Under this labor dispute, the government should actively play a coordinating role to avoid strikes. Once the transportation industry strikes, it will definitely cause serious problems. The issue of Taoyuan City government refused to arbitrate was worth discussed. Finally, from the perspective of the domestic aviation industry, whether the strike of China Airlines indirectly affected the EVA Air.
This study used monthly data of China Airlines passenger load factor as dependent variable to represent the change of demand. The study periods were from 2000 to 2017. The autoregressive model was used with time series data and the optimal lag period was in the second period. The main independent variables were the dummy variables of the incidents which affecting the passenger load factor, in order to explore how the demand side was affected by the incidents.
Observing the regression results, it was found that the strike were not significant in either short-term or long-term. The results might be related to the low frequency of domestic strikes, the limited carrying capacity of the domestic aviation industry, and the rigidity of specific groups. EVA Air also had no significant influence due to these reasons. After all, compared with foreign countries, the possibility of strikes occur in Taiwan was very low. The demand was difficult to significantly affected by one strike. |
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