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姓名 陳怡方(Yi-Fang Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 統計研究所
(Comparison of Credit Risk in Coupled Diffusion Model and Merton′s Model)
★ Credit Risk Illustrated under Coupled diffusions★ The analysis of log returns using copula-based Markov models
★ Systemic risk with relative behavior★ 在厚尾分配下的均值收斂交易策略
★ Estimation in copula-based Markov mixture normal model★ 金融系統性風險的回顧分析
★ New insights on ′′A semi-parametric model for wearable sensor-based physical activity monitoring data with informative device wear"★ A parametric model for wearable sensor-based physical activity monitoring data with informative device wear
★ Optimal Asset Allocation using Black-Litterman with Smooth Transition Model★ VIX Index Analysis using Copula-Based Markov Chain Models
★ 使用雙重指數平滑預測模型及無母數容忍限的配對交易策略★ Intraday Pairs Trading on Taiwan Semiconductor Companies through Mean Reverting Processes
★ Target index tracing through portfolio optimization★ Estimation in Copula-Based Markov Models under Weibull Distributions
★ Optimal Strategies for Index Tracking with Risky Constrains★ On the Study of Feedforward Neural Networks: an Experimental Design Approach
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摘要(中) 我們利用默頓模型的框架理論以及關聯擴散模型來分析公司的信用風險。 在到期日 T 時,如果公司的資產價值小於公司負債的帳面價值,稱作違 約。默頓模型原始的概念是在風險中立測度進行討論,利用其框架理論 於真實機率測度計算信用風險,接著也使用關聯擴散模型進行分析。根 據系統風險,我們想要了解兩模型在給定對數資產平均小於對數負債平 均下,違約機率有何變化。在參數估計上,使用最大概似估計法。發現 當公司相關性愈高時,給定對數資產平均小於對數負債平均的聯合違約 機率也愈高。
摘要(英) In this paper, we use the framework of Merton′s model and the coupled diffusion model to analyze the companies′ credit risk. The default is defined as the market value of the firm′s assets less than the book value of the firm′s liabilities at maturity time $T$. The original concept of the Merton′s model is discussed in risk-neutral measure. We use the framework of Merton′s model and the coupled diffusion model to calculate the default probabilities in the physical measure. Base on the systemic event, we want to know what change of the joint default probabilities conditional on the mean of log-inventories less than mean of log-liabilities. In the simulation study, we use the Maximum Likelihood technique to estimate the parameters. The higher correlation, the higher joint default probabilities conditional on the systemic event.
關鍵字(中) ★ 信用風險
★ 違約
★ 默頓模型
★ 關聯性擴散模型
★ 系統事件
關鍵字(英) ★ credit risk
★ default
★ Merton′s model
★ coupled diffusion model
★ systemic event
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
1 Introduction 1
2 The Merton’s model 4
2.1 Merton’sModel................................. 4
2.2 KMV-Mertonmodel .............................. 6
3 Methodology 8
3.1 The Merton’s model ........................... 8
3.2 The coupled diffusion model................... 14
4 The parameters estimation 19
4.1 The correlated Merton model .................. 19
4.2 The coupled diffusion model................... 22
5 Simulation 25
5.1 The correlated Merton model .................. 25
5.2 The coupled diffusion model................... 32
6 Empirical result 38
6.1 Data description ............................. 38
6.2 Empirical result.............................. 38
7 Conclusion 44
Reference 46
Appendices 49
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指導教授 孫立憲(Li-Hsien Sun) 審核日期 2018-7-24
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