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姓名 張博一(Po-Yi Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 通訊工程學系
論文名稱 採用適應性支持權重方法之 光場影像深度估測
(Depth Estimation Using Adaptive Support-Weight Approach for Light Field Images)
★ 應用於車內視訊之光線適應性視訊壓縮編碼器設計★ 以粒子濾波法為基礎之改良式頭部追蹤系統
★ 應用於空間與CGS可調性視訊編碼器之快速模式決策演算法★ 應用於人臉表情辨識之強健式主動外觀模型搜尋演算法
★ 結合Epipolar Geometry為基礎之視角間預測與快速畫面間預測方向決策之多視角視訊編碼★ 基於改良式可信度傳遞於同質區域之立體視覺匹配演算法
★ 以階層式Boosting演算法為基礎之棒球軌跡辨識★ 多視角視訊編碼之快速參考畫面方向決策
★ 以線上統計為基礎應用於CGS可調式編碼器之快速模式決策★ 適用於唇形辨識之改良式主動形狀模型匹配演算法
★ 以運動補償模型為基礎之移動式平台物件追蹤★ 基於匹配代價之非對稱式立體匹配遮蔽偵測
★ 以動量為基礎之快速多視角視訊編碼模式決策★ 應用於地點影像辨識之快速局部L-SVMs群體分類器
★ 以高品質合成視角為導向之快速深度視訊編碼模式決策★ 以運動補償模型為基礎之移動式相機多物件追蹤
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摘要(中) 光場相機(Light field camera)以透鏡陣列(microlens array)擷取多視角影像,由於多視角之間的基線較窄,因此在計算視差時需精確至小數位之視差值。適應性支持權重方法為一種局部性的視差估測方案,雖現有文獻曾使用適應性支持權重方法(adaptive support-weight approach)對光場影像進行視差估測,但未考慮估測視差之子像素精確度(sub-pixel accuracy)。
因此,本論文提出基於改進的適應性支持權重方法(adaptive support-weight approach)之光場影像深度估測方案。在計算視差前,先對輸入之各視角的光場影像進行雙立方內插(bicubic interpolation),再以適應性支持權重方法(adaptive support-weight approach)計算視差,以提高視差估測之精確度。於計算適應性支持權重之匹配代價時,本論文採用十字形視窗以降低計算複雜度(computation complexity),並動態調整十字形視窗之交錯位置,以估測影像邊界的視差值,此外,加重影像中變化激烈處之像素點之適應性支持權重,以提高視差估測之準確率。最後,結合所有微透鏡陣列(microlens array)之同一水平位置的各視角之估測視差的值,以提高視差估測之準確性。實驗結果顯示,本論文所提出之方案,相較於現有於極平面影像(epipolar plane image)基於適應性視窗之方案,於new HCI dataset之training子集,平均上可降低5.4%之視差估測之錯誤率(badpixel)。
摘要(英) Light field cameras acquire muti-view images using the microlens array. Due to the narrow baseline between multiple views, sub-pixel accuracy of the estimated disparity is expected. Adaptive support-weight approach is a local based disparity estimation method. Although several adaptive support-weight approach (ASW) based disparity estimation schemes for light field images have been proposed, they did not consider the problem of sub-pixel accuracy.
Therefore, this thesis proposes to improve adaptive support-weight approach based depth estimation for light field images. Before disparity estimation, bicubic interpolation is applied to light field images for sub-pixel accuracy. Then the adaptive support-weight approach estimates disparities, where the cross window is adopted to reduce computation complexity. The intersection position of the vertical and horizontal arms is dynamically adjusted on the image border. Then, we increase the weights of pixels which have higher edge response. Finally, the estimated disparities from multiple view featuring with the same horizontal position are combined to generate the disparity map of the central view. Our experimental results show that the average error rate of the proposed method is lower than that of the EPI based adaptive window matching approach for 5.4%.
關鍵字(中) ★ 光場影像
★ 視差估測
★ 適應性支持權重方法
★ 子像素精確度
★ 十字型視窗
關鍵字(英) ★ light field images
★ disparity estimation
★ adaptive support-weight
★ sub-pixel accuracy
★ cross window
論文目次 摘要……………………………………….………………………….…..…….………....I
第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………….……….….…1
第二章 多視角之立體視覺……………………………………………………..…….…4
2.2立體視覺匹配 (Stereo Matching for Stereo Vision)…..…………..……............5
2.2.1匹配代價估算 (Matching Cost Computation)………..…........................5
2.2.2代價合併 (Cost Aggregation)…………………………….......................6
2.2.3視差計算與最佳化 (Disparity Computation and Optimization)...............6
2.2.4視差改進 (Disparity Refinement)..…………………….…......................7
第三章 光場影像之視差估測………………………………….………………..….…...7
3.1光場影像 (Light Field Images)簡介………………………….….….….....……8
3.2光場影像之視差估測 (Disparity Estimation)……….…………..…………...…8
3.2.1基於Epipolar Plane Image (EPI)之視差估測.…………..……….………9
3.2.2基於對應技術 (Correspondence Techniques)之視差估測…………....11
第四章 基於匹配代價之光場影像深度估測 (Depth Estimation using Adaptive Support-Weight Approach for Light Field Images)…………………………..…..…..…14
4.2雙立方內插 (Bicubic Interpolation)…………………………………..………15
4.3本論文所提之改進的適應性支持權重方法 (Improved Adaptive Support-weight Approach)………………….………………………………………………16
第五章 實驗結果與討論………………………………………………………….…...20
第六章 結論與未來展望……………………………………………............................30
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指導教授 唐之瑋(Chih-Wei Tang) 審核日期 2018-7-26
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