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姓名 胡雪琪(Shiue-Chi Hu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 經濟學系
論文名稱 法定工時縮短與非薪資成本變動 對產業雇用量及工時的影響
★ 國際貿易對勞動需求彈性之影響分析-以臺灣上市櫃製造業公司為例★ 組織變革與技術別薪資差異之關係:以臺灣製造業為例
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★ 職業區隔程度對男女薪資差異之影響分析★ Phillips Curve from Psychological Perspectives
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摘要(中) 本文以1997至2015年我國55個中分類項產業的追蹤資料,分析2001年第一次法定工時縮短政策以及非薪資成本逐年增加,對於受僱人數、平均工時及加班工時的影響。實證分析方法採Hausman方法檢定雇用人數與平均工時模型之設定,並以Tobit模型探討加班時數之決定。本文首先比較勞動需求者之調查資料「薪資及生產力調查」與由勞動供給者之調查資料「人力資源調查」,結果發現在統計上「薪資及生產力調查」的工時顯著較低。實證計量結果發現,不論是使用上述哪一種資料庫,2001年法定工時縮短政策與長期非薪資成本增加,使得產業雇用量與平均總工時減少,而加班工時增加。其中,「人力資源調查」工時的邊際影響效果相對較大。將樣本進一步區分為製造業四大工業,以及按廠商平均規模、受僱員工教育程度,與自動化程度高低分類,發現與整體產業分析結果不同的是,工時政策使電子資訊工業的雇用量增加約8%。另外,低學歷密集產業受負面影響程度最大,減少約21%雇用量。相對其他產業,非薪資成本增加對民生工業及小企業較多的產業雇用量有不利的影響。
摘要(英) The research focuses on the impact of the reduced standard-hours policy in 2001 and the increasing non-wage labor costs on labor demand in Taiwan, including employment, average working hours and overtime hours. In the past, researches mainly utilize the monthly working hours from the Earnings and Productivity Statistics (EPS) to analyze the impact of standard- hours policy. The EPS is a dataset from firm’s survey. We find that working hours between EPS and Manpower Utilization Survey (MUS), provided by households and individuals, are statistically different, with EPS hours being underestimated due to the incentives faced by firms. This study uses 2-digits-industrial panel data from both EPS and MUS from 1997 to 2015 for empirical analysis. We apply panel regression with Hausman test on employment and average working hour regression. Overtime hour regression is analyzed by Tobit Model.
Empirically, we find that the reduction of standard hours in 2001 has significantly reduced employment and monthly average working hours, and increased overtime hours. The marginal effect of standard-hours policy on working hours depends on data sources, where MUS’s effect is significantly larger than that of EPS. Moreover, the impact of standard-hours policy vary with industrial features, including firm size, workforce educational level, and firm’s automatic level. The effect of non-wage labor costs on employment and working hours also depends on industrial characteristics. We thus conclude that the reduction of standard hours shocks the overall employment. Taiwanese firms are more likely to increase workers’ overtime hours than to hire more workers in responding to the policy of standard-hours reduction. This might explain why working hours in Taiwan are rather long compared to its counterparts in the world.
關鍵字(中) ★ 工時縮短政策
★ 非薪資成本
★ 雇用量
★ 平均工時
★ 加班工時
關鍵字(英) ★ standard-hours policy
★ non-wage labor costs
★ employment
★ average working hours
★ overtime hours
論文目次 第一章、前言 1
第二章、文獻回顧 4
第三章、資料來源與主要變數之變動趨勢 7
3.1 資料來源 7
3.2 雇主資料與勞工資料之工時差異與檢定 10
3.3 主要變數之變動趨勢 14
3.3.1 工時趨勢 14
3.3.2 非薪資成本變化趨勢 17
第四章、計量模型與實證策略 20
4.1 計量模型設定 20
4.2 固定模型與隨機模型的選擇 24
4.3 實證策略 25
4.3.1 將製造業區分為四大工業 26
4.3.2 按廠商規模區分 28
4.3.3 按員工教育程度區分 31
4.3.4 按自動化程度區分 34
第五章、實證分析結果 37
5.1 所有產業的實證結果 37
5.2 製造業四大工業 40
5.3 廠商平均規模大小 42
5.4 員工平均教育程度 44
5.5 自動化程度 46
第六章、結論 48
參考文獻 50
英文參考文獻 50
中文參考文獻 51
附錄 52
參考文獻 英文參考文獻
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指導教授 黃麗璇(Li-Hsuan Huang) 審核日期 2018-7-31
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