摘要(英) |
With the rapid development of the internet, communications technology, and e-commerce, marketing channels between enterprises and consumers have become diverse and convenient. Consumers can quickly search for new manufacturers or new products via the Internet. Therefore, consumers have already gained the advantage of being able to choose manufacturers independently. If companies cannot quickly respond to consumers’ needs, consumers may soon lose their patience and turn to competitors to trade.
Quoting is one of the ways enterprises respond to customers and is one of the processes that enhance response efficiency. However, since quotation information may be managed by several information systems (e.g. Customer information is managed by CRM system; product information is managed by ERP system), sales staff can only enter information in the quotation list after obtaining information from different information systems. This quotation process is not only inefficient but is also vulnerable to quotation content errors. In view of this, the case company targeted the branch sales divisions in Taiwan and imported the e-quotation system in order to enhance the efficiency of the sales staff’s quotation prices. It is expected that through the integration of the e-quotation system and other heterogeneous information systems, the sales staff’s quotation process can be effectively shortened, thereby achieving the goal of quickly responding to customers’ price inquiry needs.
This study adopted the case company whose branch offices in Taiwan imported the quotation system as the research participant. The Diamond Model Theory of Leavitt (1965) was adopted as the analysis basis. From four dimensions, namely, organization, mission, technology, and staff, the problems encountered during the e-quotation system importation process and corresponding solutions were explored, from which the benefits brought about by the imported e-quotation system were analyzed and the key success factors were summarized.
The results show that the importation of the e-quotation system not only caused an impact on the existing information system, but also affected the organization, missions, staff, and other structures. Hence, when formulating coping strategies for system importation, the four dimensions of the diamond model ought to be taken into full consideration in order to ensure a successful e-quotation system importation and create benefits for the company. Finally, it has been recommended that the case Company use the history quotation data to further analyze customers’ purchase behaviors and predict products to be manufactured ahead of time, thereby achieving the purpose of precise marketing and shortened shipping preparation time. Furthermore, through the experiences of Taiwan′s customs and import branches, the flexibility of the e-quotation system can be improved, thus shortening the time needed to import the system in other branches in the future. |
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