摘要(英) |
Since the year 2000, Enterprise Information Portal (EIP) rapid growth, both open source software and commercial software architecture and functionality have been mature. According to Infoholic Research report in the “Global Enterprise Portals Market - Trends & Forecast”, 20-35% of the global enterprises will use the open source frameworks to implementing EIP. In addition to commercial software, open source code software is another possible alternative.
In this study, semiconductor distributors H corporation as the object of a single case study, evaluate whether Liferay Portal’s functions and architectures meet the requirements of the EIP by observations, documentation, and archival records, and using the task, agent, technology and structure dimensions of Leavitt’s diamond model to explore the related issues in the implementation of EIP.
The results of this study show that although Liferay Portal can meet the requirement of implement EIP in structure and performance, it still needs to be modified by customizing Liferay’s core features in some functions. In addition to the internal information personnel’s technical ability is a key factor also consider the four dimensions of the Leavitt’s diamond model, in order to ensure the effectiveness of the successful implementation of EIP. |
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