摘要(英) |
With the popularization of network infrastructure, IP camera installation has greatly surpassed analog cameras. Growth prospects for the next few years continue to look positive, and such promising market is bound to attract many new entrants. In this competitive environment, many will resort to low-price strategies in attempt to gain a piece of the market share. Subject company in this study has heavily invested in image surveillance for many years, and is internationally renowned for its superior quality. As competition intensifies, they also experience steadily decline in export markets. Instead of following suit, how should they respond to competition while maintain its leading R&D strength?
This study uses PEST, Five-Forces Analysis, SWOT, and Strategic Framework to assess the challenges faced by the subject company and evaluate possible counter measures. In-depth interviews were also conducted to obtain managerial insights, in effort to consolidate and propose feasible business strategies moving forward. From top to bottom, strategic directions are aligned and cascade through each respective chain of commands. From the bottom up, objectives are accomplished level by level which in term aggregate to the ultimate success for the company as a whole. Not only it is truly an inspiring story where a domestic brand fought off the big multi-nationals, it is also of great significance in motivating the domestic industries. Upon reviewing and analyzing the profile, please find below two major suggestions: 1. Improve key component’s R&D sector, to secure industry’s ecological chain. 2. Strengthen data safety protection via establishing data safety alliance and standards. The progressive and differential plans sets the organization’s future operation strategy
Keywords: Strategy Map; Business strategy; Five-Forces Analysis; Video surveillance; IP camera |
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