摘要(英) |
Company C is a semiconductor manufacturer. Its main products and services are the interface cards required for the testing of the semiconductor industry. The company philosophy is “Leading in technology, satisfying customers, creating surpluses, and taking care of employees.” As such, the company strives to satisfy market demand by conducting research and development anticipating future requirements to create new generation products in advance, in order to maintain competiveness and increase profit margins.
In recent years, due to saturation of major markets, the semiconductor industry has faced with a marked deceleration in growth. Company C is among the leading companies which actively pursue emerging applications to create growth opportunities. Company C thus invests in substantial R&D resources in advance, in order to maintain technological leadership. However, it discovered that it was unable to effectively control its budget, and inevitably results in wastes.
This study attempts to look into the problem of R&D project budget control system for procurement operations. An improvement solution is proposed introducing process changes based on the concept of Business Process Re-engineering, and incorporating existing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), and electronic workflow and sign-offs. |
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