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姓名 歐莉亞(Nurotul Auliya′)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 骨折區檢測
(Fracture Region Detection)
★ Single and Multi-Label Environmental Sound Recognition with Gaussian Process★ 波束形成與音訊前處理之嵌入式系統實現
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★ 高品質口述系統之設計與應用★ 深度學習及加速強健特徵之CT影像跟骨骨折辨識及偵測
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★ 金融商品走勢預測★ 整合深度學習方法預測年齡以及衰老基因之研究
★ 漢語之端到端語音合成研究★ 基於 ARM 架構上的 ORB-SLAM2 的應用與改進
★ 基於深度學習之指數股票型基金趨勢預測★ 探討財經新聞與金融趨勢的相關性
★ 基於卷積神經網路的情緒語音分析★ 運用深度學習方法預測阿茲海默症惡化與腦中風手術存活
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摘要(中) 跟骨是人體足中最大骨,最重要的骨骼。它的作用是保持人體重量和其施加的力量。然而,這種骨骼也是最常受傷的骨。在大多數情況下,發生損傷由於過度的軸向載荷。
摘要(英) Calcaneus bone is the biggest and the most important bone in human foot. Its role is to hold human weight and other forces that they applied to it. However, this bone is also the most frequently injured tarsal bone. In most cases, the injuries happen because of excessive axial load such as a fall from height or in a motor vehicle accident.
Calcaneus bone fracture classification is used to classify the injured calcaneus bone into types with each type needing a different kind of treatment. Among the several different classification systems, Sanders classification is the most commonly used because it is based on the coronal computed tomography (CT) scan of the calcaneal fracture that shows the widest undersurface of the posterior facet of the calcaneus. However, in spite of its popularity, there is a high degree of variability and inconsistency in its interpretation with only fair to moderate consistency among its users, which is mostly caused by the difference in experience. Such inconsistency is significant because a mistake in treatment may cause irreparable harm to the patient.
Currently, doctors manually examine the chosen CT scan image, which contains the most complete calcaneus structure, then classify it according to calcaneus fracture classification. This is prone to mistakes, not only because of the aforementioned problem but also because sometimes the CT scan image is blurred and does not show clear fracture line.
This thesis attempts to help in identifying the calcaneus fracture type by detecting calcaneus bone fragments and showing the fracture lines.
The first part is to differentiate each bone fragment from the other bone fragments in the image. The second part is to point out the calcaneus bone fragments and show their edges. This system successfully automatically determine which fragments belong to calcaneus bone.
關鍵字(中) ★ CT scan images
★ calcaneus bone fracture
★ detection
★ segmentation
關鍵字(英) ★ CT scan images
★ calcaneus bone fracture
★ detection
★ segmentation
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgments iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Literature Study 3
2.1 DICOM Images 3
2.2 Hounsfield Unit 3
2.3 CT Imaging on Calcaneus Bone and Sanders Classification 4
Chapter 3 Methodology and Experiment Setup 7
3.1 Methodology 7
3.1.1 Preprocessing: Threshold Value Decision 7
3.1.2 Obtaining Main Tissue 8
3.1.3 Obtaining Bone Fragments 9
3.1.4 Reassembling Bone Fragments According to Bone 10
3.1.5 Pointing Calcaneus Bone Fragments 10
3.2 Experiment Setup 10
Chapter 4 Experiment and Discussion 13
4.1 Pre-Processing: Threshold Value Decision 13
4.2 Obtaining Main Tissue 14
4.3 Obtaining Bone Fragments 14
4.4 Reassembling Bone Fragments According to Bone 16
4.5 Pointing Calcaneus Bone Fragments and Showing Its Fracture Line 17
4.6 Accuracy Check 18
Chapter 5 Conclusion 20
5.1 Conclusion 20
5.2 Suggestion for Future Works 21
References 22
Appendix A: Details of The number of available cases 23
Appendix B: Qualified Input Images’ Accuracy 26
Appendix C: Original Images 30
Appendix D: Groundtruth Images 44
Appendix E: Detected ‘Calcaneus Bone’ 58
參考文獻 [1] A. Daftary, A. H. Haims and M. R. Baumgaertner, Fractures of the Calcaneus: A review with Emphasis on CT, RadioGraphics, 2005.
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指導教授 王家慶(Jia-Ching Wang) 審核日期 2018-8-23
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