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姓名 李甄甄(Chen-Chen Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 學習與教學研究所
論文名稱 探討幼兒詞彙聯想能力與口語理解之關係
(Exploring the relationship between children’s word association ability and oral comprehension)
★ 以眼動型態探討背景知識對詞彙辨識的影響★ 合作寫作對於國小學童科學概念學習之影響
★ 影響國小學童家長送子女參加課後補習之相關因素研究---以桃園縣中壢市為例★ 國小學童圖文閱讀的理解策略
★ 幼童敘說書面故事之後設認知表現★ 新移民家庭子女口語敘說能力之發展
★ 圖文提示對學童閱讀科學說明文記憶與理解之影響★ 識字教學法與口語詞彙能力對新移民女性中文識字學習之影響
★ 先備知識對於不同閱讀能力的學童在閱讀歷程中自我提問的影響★ Exploring Computer-based Nature Science Instruction Based on the Cognitive Load Theory: Spatial Contiguity Effect, and Effects of Prior Knowledge on Performance Assessments
★ 教師示範與文本提示對國小學童自我解釋與閱讀理解表現之影響★ 國小學童之工作記憶能力對於閱讀理解監控表現的影響
★ 成人與幼童的言談行為分析:比較電子書與紙本書親子共讀的情境★ 探討幼兒的早期書寫表現及其影響因素
★ 探究教師閱讀教學自我效能與閱讀自我調整教學信念及實踐之關係★ 探討閱讀能力與文本架構對於國小學童使用理解策略的影響
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摘要(中) 幼兒早期的口語理解能力是學習語言的基礎,因此,提升幼兒口語理解能力有其必要性,然而,過去研究多聚焦在不同教學方法與策略對口語理解的影響,而本研究是以構成口語理解的要素為目標,深入瞭解詞彙知識的深度與口語理解的相關性。奠基於詞彙聯想測驗是測量詞彙知識深度的方式,本研究主要目的為瞭解幼兒詞彙聯想表現,以及探討幼兒詞彙聯想能力與口語理解之關係。研究對象為桃園市幼兒園大班幼兒,共計79位,平均年齡為六歲一個月。本研究測驗工具有四項,分別是畢保德圖畫詞彙測驗、幼兒工作記憶測驗、幼兒口語理解測驗以及研究者自編之詞彙聯想測驗。研究結果顯示(1)幼兒在詞彙聯想的組合關係和聚合關係使用次數相當;(2)幼兒對詞彙的熟悉度會影響聯想類型的使用,對詞彙越熟悉,詞彙聯想時會使用較多的聚合關係,而對詞彙越不熟悉,詞彙聯想時則會使用較多的組合關係;(3)經淨相關分析發現在控制詞彙量下,詞彙聯想的聚合關係與口語理解呈顯著相關;及(4)詞彙聯想的聚合關係能獨立預測11.3%的口語理解分數。
摘要(英) It has been widely recognized that word knowledge, which generally refers to the breadth of vocabulary knowledge, is an important predictor of oral comprehension. However, there is relatively few studies investigated how other dimensions, such as the depth of vocabulary knowledge, contribute to children’s oral comprehension. Word association tests provide insights into the depth of vocabulary knowledge. The main purpose of the study was to explore the relationship between word association and oral comprehension. Participants of this study involved 79 kindergartners, aged 5 to 6 years. There were two tests to assess students’ word association and oral comprehension. Other variables, such as individual difference in working memory and vocabulary size were also investigated. The results of the study showed that (1) there are no significant difference between the frequency of paradigmatic and syntagmatic responses in word association test; (2) familiar vocabulary elicited more paradigmatic responses, in contrast, unfamiliar vocabulary elicited more syntagmatic responses; (3) with children’s vocabulary size taken into account, a significant partial correlation was found between children’s paradigmatic knowledge of words and oral comprehension but non-significant correlation between syntagmatic and oral comprehension; and (4) after statistically controlling the influence of vocabulary size, children’s paradigmatic knowledge uniquely explained 11.3% of variance in oral comprehension scores. The findings suggest that the paradigmatic knowledge among Chinese words emerged as a significant predictor of oral comprehension.
關鍵字(中) ★ 幼兒
★ 口語理解
★ 詞彙聯想
關鍵字(英) ★ children
★ oral comprehension
★ word association
論文目次 摘要 ..........................................i
目錄 .........................................iv
第一章 緒論 ....................................1
第一節 研究動機與目的............................1
第二節 研究問題..................................3
第三節 名詞解釋..................................4
第二章 文獻探討..................................5
第一節 詞彙聯想的概念與發展.......................5
第二節 口語理解能力的發展與研究..................16
第三節 詞彙聯想與口語理解的相關研究與侷限.........23
第三章 研究方法.................................27
第一節 研究對象.................................27
第二節 研究設計.................................28
第三節 測驗工具.................................28
第四節 資料處理與分析...........................35
第四章 研究結果與討論...........................39
第一節 幼兒的詞彙聯想表現.......................39
第二節 詞彙聯想能力與口語理解之關係..............43
第五章 研究結論與建議...........................47
第一節 研究結論................................47
第二節 研究限制與建議...........................47
參考文獻 .........................................51
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指導教授 辜玉旻(Yu-Min Ku) 審核日期 2018-7-4
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