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姓名 曾筱如(Hsiao-Ru Tseng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 藝術學研究所
論文名稱 尋找世界和自我的藝術路徑——韓國藝術家徐世鈺和徐道濩的作品研究
(In Search for the World and the Subjectivities: Study of the Works of the Korean Artists Se-ok Suh and Do-ho Suh)
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摘要(中) 韓國父子藝術家徐世鈺(1929-)和徐道濩(1962-)的藝術追求,分別是透過抽象水墨畫來追尋韓國繪畫的現代性,以及從裝置作品開啟對於不同文化的認同問題。以往韓國藝術史的研究方式大多針對同一世代和同一創作媒材來探討,本論文試圖採取跨世代和跨媒材的宏觀視角,探討徐氏父子所專精的藝術領域,兩人作品之間的對話,以及他們所面對的國際化和韓國主體性之課題。因此,徐世鈺和徐道濩的探索途徑可以說是從韓國現代藝術對於國際化的追求,回歸到韓國傳統和自我的走向。

摘要(英) The Korean artists Se-ok Suh (1929-) and Do-ho Suh (1962-), who are father and son, pursue the modernity of Korean painting by respective means. The former adopted the abstract ink painting, and the latter explored the identification with different cultures by installation art. Most studies of Korean art history have focused on the same generation of artists and the same medium of art works. This thesis attempts to take a wider perspective across different generations and mediums, discussing the artistic expertise of Se-ok Suh and Do-ho Suh, the dialogue between them, and the issues of the internationalization and Korean subjectivity raised by their works. Hence, the artistic trajectories of Se-ok Suh and Do-ho Suh, could be understood as a path from the pursuit of internationalization to the return to the Korean tradition and subjectivity.

This thesis starts from the Suhs’ best-known series of works, investigating their concepts and goals of art and tracing the trends of Korean art from the era of liberation to the contemporary period. The first chapter outlines the artistic currents from the era of Korean liberation to the 1990s, focusing on the ink painting group “Mumgnim-hoe” lead by Se-ok Suh that changes his artistic expressions at the time. I will study Se-ok Suh’s series “People” which has continued over forty years. The second chapter introduces the development of globalization of art from the 1990s to the present, and focuses on the artists with nomadic experiences in this period, to see how they recognize Korean culture with “Koreanness.” I discuss Do-ho Suh’s three series of “Home” as inquiry into his self and cultural identity. The third chapter delves into the family relationship and the stylistic connection between the art works of the Suhs, focusing on their cooperation on exhibitions overseas and the similar elements between their works. I explore Se-ok Suh’s turning point from ink painting to installation and how Do-ho Suh further deepens his understanding of family and Korean culture after the works of “Home” series.
關鍵字(中) ★ 徐世鈺
★ 徐道濩
★ 《人們》
★ 《家》系列作品
★ 韓國抽象水墨畫
★ 裝置藝術
關鍵字(英) ★ Suh Se-ok
★ Suh Do-ho
★ People
★ Home series
★ Korean abstract ink painting
★ Installation art
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝詞 iii
目錄 v
圖版目錄 vii
緒論 1
研究動機與目的 1
研究對象簡介 2
文獻回顧與探討 4
章節架構說明 8
第一章 徐世鈺水墨現代化的藝術構想 10
第一節 解放後至90年代的藝術走向 10
日本殖民時期的藝術發展 10
韓國不定形藝術 12
單色畫的生成背景和發展 15
第二節 徐世鈺的抽象水墨和藝術的現代化 17
徐世鈺與墨林會 17
《人們》系列作品的開始 21
80年代民眾美術的發展 23
《人們》系列作品在80年代後的持續延伸 25
小結 27
第二章 徐道濩《家》系列的藝術理念 28
第一節 韓國民主化和全球化的藝術表現 28
80年代文化政策 28
90年代雙年展機制 29
90年代開始活躍的藝術家 31
韓國當代水墨和裝置藝術 34
第二節 徐道濩《家》系列作品的自我認同 38
自畫像中的「家」 38
《家》系列作品 39
家的延伸 42
小結 46
第三章 徐世鈺和徐道濩的藝術連結 47
第一節 從「人」到「家」 47
續談「家」作 48
以「家」來呈現的《人們》 51
海外展的延續 53
第二節 從「家」到「人」 56
從家空間到家人 56
與《人們》作品的對話 59
小結 62
結論 63
參考文獻 67
圖版 71
參考文獻 中文論著







Celina Jeffery and Gregory Minissale eds., Global and Local Art Histories, Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007.
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Jennifer Johung, Replacing Home: From Primordial Hut to Digital Network in Contemporary Art, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2011.
Joan Kee, Contemporary Korean Art: Tansaekhwa and the Urgency of Method, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2013.
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Rochelle Steiner, Do Ho Suh Drawings, New York: Prestel, 2014.
Serenely Ciclitira ed., Korean Eye: Contemporary Korean Art, Milan: Skira Editore S.P.A., 2010.
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Susan Sollins, Art21.2: Art in the Twenty-First Century 2, New York: Harry N. Abrams, 2003.


Chin-Tao Wu, “Hermes in Asia: Haute Couture, High Art and the Marketplace,” Oxford Art Journal, vol. 39, no. 3 (2016): 441-455.
Ji-Young Shin, “The construction of national identity in South Korea and the tradition of masculinity in Korean Abstract Painting,” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, vol. 8, no.3 (2007): 367-389.
Joan Kee, “Some Thoughts on the Practice of Oscillation: Works by Suh Do-Ho and Oh In-Hwan,” Third Text, vol. 17, no. 2 (2003): 141-150.
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金美卿(音譯,???),〈韓國美術團體運動史及首爾大學美術學院——以結構性為中心〉(?? ???? ???? ????? ???? - ???? ????),《Form_Archives》第3號(2011),頁189-218。
金?曉(音譯,???),〈墨林會畫家們所講的墨林會〉(??? ???? ??? ???),《韓國近現代美術史學》(?????????)第22集(2011),頁111-136。


徐道濩,〈立體的平面與斷想的聯象〉(立體的 平面? 斷想的 聯象),碩士論文,首爾大學東洋畫系,1987。


Japan Times:(2017年5月11日檢索)
News1 Korea:(2018年5月11日檢索)
The Artist Magazine:(2017年1月19日檢索)
大韓民國藝術院(The National Academy of Arts of The Republic of Korea):
立木畫廊(Lehmann Maupin):
休士頓美術館(The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston):
泰特美術館(Tate Modern):
愛馬仕(Hermes Japan):
愛馬仕(Hermes Korea):
韓國民主文化大百科字典(Encyclopedia of Korean Culture):
韓國國立現代美術館(National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea):
瀨戶內國際藝術祭(Setouchi Triennale):
藝術善載中心(Art Sonje Center):


Art 21: Art in the Twenty-First Century 2, created and produced by Susan Sollins, Susan Dowling; directors, Catherine Tatge, Deborah Shaffer, 2003, DVD.
指導教授 曾少千(Shao-Chien Tseng) 審核日期 2018-8-23
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