研究期間10708 ~ 10807
年 度107年
英文關鍵字interest-oriented reading;theme-based reading;voluminous reading;reading comprehension strategy;K-W-L
中文摘要興趣驅動閱讀分為二種:一種是為了豐富背景知識的目的而閱讀,以學生自發興趣為主,稱為「大量 閱讀」;另一種是學生為了汲取特定主題知識的目的而閱讀,以老師引發興趣為主,稱為「主題閱讀」。 前者透過大量閱讀書本達到目的,後者則透過閱讀主題文章,雨者目標不同。然而,「主題閱讀」需 要「大量閱讀」提供學生廣泛的背景知識與興趣為基礎,才容易發揮,並有加乘效果。「主題閱讀」 透過老師的提問,觸發學生好奇心去了解主題内容所描述的真實情境與脈絡來進行學習,以提供有別 於傳統學校學科的學習興趣與動機。而這些真實情境的現象,通常都會跨不同學科知識與技巧,以主 題為主緊扣不同學科作為學習點,讓學生們一起閱讀、討論與思考。對老師來說,需要組織不同領域 的老師共同備課,提供學生跨領域教材,並引導學生學習。因此,本計畫基於上述理念,提出以興趣 驅動的「提問式主題閱讀」模式,即結合K-W-L模式與提問策略,促進學生閱讀相同主題的多篇跨 學科内容的文章,以汲取主題相關的知識。此外,因需要高品質與跨學科的主題閱讀文章,本計畫也 將培訓老師進行主題教材與「學問單」問題的編選製作,建立共享主題閱讀資料庫平台與相關主題文 章課程,以加速推廣和再利用。
英文摘要There are two types of interest-driven reading with different purposes. Voluminous reading, through reading a large number of books, is for building massive background knowledge. Theme-based reading, on the other hand, through reading a number of articles from different perspectives or disciplines, is for acquiring knowledge of a particular theme. In the former, students’ interest is self-initiated while that, in the later, students’ interest is usually triggered by the teacher. Nevertheless, theme-based reading requires voluminous reading as the foundation because a student needs a vast amount of background knowledge and a pervasive interest to boost the effect of theme-based learning. Through questioning by the teacher, students’ curiosity is triggered to strive for searching and learning about knowledge about the theme with content came from multi-disciplines. This is different from what a traditional class can provide for motivating student’s interest in learning. Furthermore, students need to collaborate: read together, discuss together, and think together. Teachers with different expertise also have to get together to prepare for their lessons and guide their students to learn. Based on the aforementioned rationales, we propose an interest-driven theme-based enquiry reading model by incorporating K-W-L model and questioning strategy, students then being enabled to read and acquire knowledge from several articles of different disciplines but related to the same theme. Because this project needs high quality articles, we need to train teachers to develop sample theme-based articles and lessons as well as learning and questioning sheets. Finally, we will establish a platform for sharing these theme-based articles and disseminate them so that more teachers can use.
計畫英文名稱Interest-Driven Theme-Based Enquiry Reading
研究期間10708 ~ 10807
研究人員陳德懷 CHAN Tak-Wai
英文關鍵字interest-oriented reading; subject literacy; subject deep reading; cross-domain theme-based reading; voluminous reading; K-W-L model
中文摘要興趣驅動閱讀分為二種:一種是為了豐富背景知識而閱讀,以學生自發興趣為主,稱為「大量閱讀」;另一種是學生為了汲取特定主題知識而閱讀,以老師引發興趣為主,稱為「主題閱讀」。 前者透過大量閱讀書本達到目的,後者則透過閱讀主題文章,兩者目標不同。然而,「主題閱讀」需要「大量閱讀」提供學生廣泛的背景知識與興趣做為基礎,才容易發揮,並有加乘效果。「主題閱讀」 透過老師的提問,觸發學生好奇心去了解主題內容所描述的真實情境與脈絡來進行學習,以提供有別於傳統學校學科的學習興趣與動機。而這些真實情境的現象,通常都會跨不同學科知識與技巧,以主題為主緊扣不同學科作為學習點,讓學生們一起閱讀、討論與思考。對老師來說,需要組織不同領域的老師共同備課,供學生跨領域教材,並引導學生學習。因此,本計畫基於上述理念,建立以興趣驅動的「提問式主題閱讀」模式,即結合 K-W-L 模式與提問策略,促進學生閱讀相同主題的多篇跨學科內容的文章,以汲取主題相關的知識。此外,因需要高品質與跨學科的主題閱讀文章,本計畫也將培訓老師進行主題教材與「學問單」問題的編選製作,建立共享主題閱讀資料庫平台與相關主題文章課程,以加速推廣和再利用。
本研究藉由系統平台收集學生想法,並利用問卷了解學生對主題的瞭解程度,最後再透過訪談收集學生對於此學習模式的看法。研究結果初步顯示,學生即使面對較不熟悉的主題內容,仍舊可以透過此學習模式有效掌握主題文章的內容;透過老師的引導,學生大多認同討論時所帶來的好處,當學生遇到同儕想法與自己不同時,也較願意包容其他人的意見,試著與同儕討論出更好的想法。除此之外,本研究也發現,本計畫所發展之主題閱讀模式對於不同類型的討論內容都可以做有效的配合與支持,像是具有批判性思考的討論議題,例如:河川與水庫、網路商城 VS 實體商店等主題,學生在論證的過程中,學習透過文本推論自身立場,進行深度的學習。
英文摘要There are two types of interest-driven reading: Voluminous reading, through reading a large number of books, is for building massive background knowledge and based on students' interest. Theme-based reading, on the other hand, through reading a number of articles from different perspectives or disciplines, is for acquiring knowledge of a particular theme. In the former, students’ interest is self-initiated while that, in the later, students’ interest is usually triggered by the teacher. Nevertheless, theme-based reading requires voluminous reading as the foundation because a student needs a vast amount of background knowledge and a pervasive interest to boost the effect of theme-based learning. Through questioning by the teacher, students’ curiosity is triggered to strive for searching and learning about knowledge about the theme with content came from multi-disciplines. This is different from what a traditional class can provide for motivating student’s interest in learning. Furthermore, students need to collaborate: read together, discuss together, and think together. Teachers with different expertise also have to get together to prepare for their lessons and guide their students to learn. Based on the aforementioned rationales, we propose an interest-driven theme-based enquiry reading model by incorporating K-W-L model and questioning strategy, students then being enabled to read and acquire knowledge from several articles of different disciplines but related to the same theme. Because this project needs high quality articles, we need to train teachers to develop sample theme-based articles and lessons as well as learning and questioning sheets. Finally, we will establish a platform for sharing these theme-based articles and disseminate them so that more teachers can use.
The project develops teaching models and platforms based on research objectives. In order to understand the impact of the developed models on student learning, the researcher team conducts research at the school in the first year and conducts preliminary tests in experimental primary schools.In next year, based on the experience of the first year and feedback from teachers, the research team including the three main steps of "K-W-L", and the support of individuals and groups using mind map to discusses. Above all, the purpose of second year is to collect more executive feedback from teachers.
This study collects students' ideas and uses questionnaires to understand students' understanding of each topic. In addition, also using interviews to collect students views. The preliminary results showed that students can use this model to mastery theme-topic content.In addition, through the guidance of teachers, most of the students agree with the benefits brought by the discussion. Moreover, this study also found that the theme reading model can effectively cooperate and support different types of discussion content with critical thinking, such as: rivers and reservoirs, In the online shopping mall VS physical store and other topics. When students in the process of argumentation, they can carry out in-depth study and learning through the text.