博碩士論文 104322610 詳細資訊

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姓名 潘葉桐(pham duong uyen vy)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
★ 隔震橋梁含防落裝置與阻尼器之非線性動力反應分析研究★ 橋梁碰撞效應研究
★ 應用位移設計法於雙層隔震橋之研究★ 具坡度橋面橋梁碰撞效應研究
★ 橋梁極限破壞分析與耐震性能研究★ 應用多項式摩擦單擺支承之隔震橋梁研究
★ 橋梁含多重防落裝置之極限狀態動力分析★ 強震中橋梁極限破壞三維分析
★ 隔震橋梁之最佳化結構控制★ 跨越斷層橋梁之極限動力分析
★ 塑鉸極限破壞數值模型開發★ 橋梁直接基礎搖擺之極限分析
★ 考量斷層錯動與塑鉸破壞之橋梁極限分析★ Impact response and shear fragmentation of RC buildings during progressive collapse
★ 應用多項式滾動支承之隔震橋梁研究★ Numerical Simulation of Bridges with Inclined
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摘要(中) 摘要
Friction Pendulum Isolation, PFPI),克服了原本的限制,並保留以往隔震器的優
點。PFPI 的滑動位移隨著振動頻率下降而減少,而因回復力存在一上限值,
使傳遞之結構的力不會超出限制。PFPI 由摩擦子與球窩支承和六次多項式函
關鍵字: 變動曲率, 滑動隔震, 三向地表運動, 耦合效應
A conventional isolation system with constant isolation frequency such as FPS is
usually a long-period dynamic system. However, this system has limitation due to constant
isolator period and restoring force characteristics. This lead its seismic response is likely to
be amplified in the earthquake with long-period wave components.
A new isolator called the polynomial friction pendulum isolator (PFPI) that
overcomes these limitations while retaining all the advantages has been described in this
thesis. The PFPI has oscillation frequency decreasing with sliding displacement, and the
restoring force has an upper bound so that the force transmitted to the structure is limited. A
PFPI consists of a slider and a concave and axially symmetrical sliding surface which is
defined by a six-order polynomial function.
Nowadays, the analytical models proposed for a SIVC isolator were usually
derived by using static equilibrium condition. This kind of models (also called simplified
model) is not able to account for dynamic coupling effects between each vibration direction
as well as the curvature effect such as centrifugal force. As a result, these models will lose
their accuracy when the isolators are subjected to extreme earthquakes that produce large
velocity or displacement. In addition, most of the existing models did not consider the effect
the vertical ground motion on the isolation performance.
In order to solve that problem, this thesis establish another analytical for the
bearing and consider the effect of vertical ground motions. In addition, it also investigates
the dynamic coupling effects on the isolator performance.
Keywords: Variable curvature, sliding isolation, tri-axial ground motion, coupling effect.
關鍵字(中) ★ 變動曲率
★ 滑動隔震
★ 三向地表運動
★ 耦合效應
Equation Chapter 1 Section 1 ABSTRACT .............................................................. i
TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................... iii
LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................... vi
LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................. vii
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 1
1.1. Overview ......................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Literature Review ............................................................................................ 2
1.2.1. Studying the correlation of variable curvature sliding isolation system ............ 2
1.2.2. Influence of vertical earthquake force on isolation system ............................... 4
1.2.3. The literature of the mathematical model of sliding isolation analysis .............. 6
1.3. Research purpose and content .......................................................................... 8
MOTION ......................................................................................................... 10
NUMERICAL ANALYSIS METHODS .......................................... 15
3.1. Theory .......................................................................................................... 15
3.1.1. State space equation of motion ...................................................................... 15
3.2. Discretization of the equation of motion: ....................................................... 16
ISOLATOR UNDER TRIAXIAL GROUND MOTION ........................................... 17
4.1. Polynomial Friction Pendulum Isolator (PFPI) properties .............................. 17
4.1.1. Defining the sliding surface by a six-order polynomial .................................. 17
4.1.2. Isolator stiffness and isolator frequency of the PFPI ...................................... 20
4.1.3. The properties of the PFPI ............................................................................. 21
4.2. The properties of target bridge ....................................................................... 22
4.3. The database inputs ....................................................................................... 25
4.4. Numerical Analysis Results and Discussion .................................................. 26
4.5. Results .......................................................................................................... 34
4.5.1. The response of bridge under JMA-Kobe earthquake with PFPI and without
PFPI .............................................................................................................. 34
4.5.2. The response of bridge under JMA-Kobe earthquake with vertical effect and no
vertical effect ................................................................................................ 37
4.5.3. The response of bridge under JMA-Kobe earthquake with coupling effect and
no coupling effect .......................................................................................... 41
4.5.4. The response of bridge under El Centro earthquake with PFPI and without
PFPI .............................................................................................................. 45
4.5.5. The response of bridge under El Centro earthquake with vertical effect and no
vertical effect ................................................................................................ 48
4.5.6. The response of bridge under El Centro earthquake with coupling effect and no
coupling effect............................................................................................... 52
4.5.7. The response of bridge under Imperial Valley earthquake with PFPI and
without PFPI ................................................................................................. 56
4.5.8. The response of bridge under Imperial Valley earthquake with vertical effect
and no vertical effect ..................................................................................... 59
4.5.9. The response of bridge under Imperial Valley earthquake with coupling effect
and no coupling effect ................................................................................... 63
4.5.10. The response of bridge under JR-Takatori earthquake with PFPI and without
PFPI .............................................................................................................. 67
4.5.11. The response of bridge under JR-Takatori earthquake with vertical effect and
no vertical effect ............................................................................................ 70
4.5.12. The response of bridge under JR-Takatori earthquake with coupling effect and
no coupling effect .......................................................................................... 74
4.5.13. The response of bridge under TCU068 earthquake with PFPI and without
PFPI ............................................................................................................. 78
4.5.14. The response of bridge under TCU068 earthquake with vertical effect and no
vertical effect ................................................................................................ 81
4.5.15. The response of bridge under TCU068 earthquake with coupling effect and no
coupling effect............................................................................................... 85
4.5.16. Comparison ................................................................................................... 89
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ................................. 95
APPENDIX I ......................................................................................................... 98
APPENDIX II ....................................................................................................... 111
REFERENCES ....................................................................................................... 115
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指導教授 李姿瑩(Tzu-Ying Lee) 審核日期 2018-10-30
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