摘要(英) |
On the decision of demolition work, it is normally managed by the construction site personnel and followed with the contract specification and the actual situation of construction site. It is unable to analyze and evaluate the efficiency of demolition work and transportation arrangement by systematic procedure on traditional, thus, to raises the rate of operability of construction equipment and lower the cost of the usage has become the crucial problem to the demolition work of urban renewal .
This is a case study of demolition work by the manufacturer in urban renewal project remaining earthwork, the study takes the software Lingo12 as its research instrument , with the consideration of demolition of multi-construction site, capacity of multi-area reclamation plant, quantity limit of excavator in multi-construction sites, and the residue soil carried by the cleaning machinery from the multi-construction sites, transportation arrangement of construction equipment, sales feedback from the discarded metal as its setup parameters in this research.
The study shows that when the transportation arrangement is conducted by the mathematical programming model, the higher the rate of machinery operation, and therefore lower the cost of it, besides, the study also shows that the optimization mode has a better performance in cost control and operating rate than manual assignment in traditional construction sites. Furthermore, the integer planning frame work of optimization model is able to adjust when the parameters changed on account of the variety from the construction sites and correct the other parameters simultaneously when it is changed, therefore offering the more effective option to the decision maker. The study shows the optimization model has a better result in cost saving and achieved the more effective arrangement than manual operation. The study is appropriate to the multi-type excavator demolition work and dump truck carried arrangement, the result is able to be a reference to the decision maker in construction site. |
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