博碩士論文 105226071 詳細資訊

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姓名 許進吉(HSU,CHIN-CHI)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 利用真空噴塗系統製備UV固化膜之研究
(Research of UV Curing Film by Vacuum Polymer Spray System)
★ 以反應性射頻磁控濺鍍搭配HMDSO電漿聚合鍍製氧化矽摻碳薄膜阻障層之研究★ 軟性電子阻水氣膜之有機層組成研究
★ 利用介電質-金屬對稱膜堆設計雙曲超穎材料並分析其光學特性★ 石墨烯透明導電膜與其成長模型之研究
★ 以磁控電漿輔助化學氣相沉積法製鍍有機矽阻障層之研究★ 以電漿聚合鍍製氧化矽摻碳氫薄膜應力之研究
★ 利用有限元素方法分析光譜合束器之多層介電質繞射光柵之繞射效率★ 化學氣相沉積石墨烯透明導電膜之製程與分析
★ 應用光學導納軌跡法提升太陽能選擇性吸收膜之光熱轉換效率研究★ 單晶銅成長石墨烯及其可撓性之研究
★ 高反射多層膜抗雷射損傷閥值之研究★ 高穿透類鑽碳膜之研究
★ 裝備具有低光斑的抗眩光膜層★ 透鏡品質檢測基於四波橫向剪切干涉儀
★ 利用介電係數趨近零材料設計層狀寬帶超穎吸收膜★ 抑制層對降低電漿輔助原子層沉積二氧化鉿薄膜結晶之研究
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摘要(中) 揮發性有機物 (Volatile Organic Compounds, VOCs),為一種環境的汙染源,其排放主要來自於塗料工業上溶劑的使用,現今工業上塗裝場所多在大氣中,若長久下來暴露於高VOCs濃度的場所可能危害人體。
本實驗將分為兩部分討論:材料的部分:單體三官能基與單體二官能基調配而成,並且成功以無溶劑的型態調配UV固化溶液;噴塗的部分,實驗真空度為2×10-2 torr,藉由氣體壓力噴塗塗佈基板化妝瓶製作液相膜,接著在噴塗過程中使用高速攝影機觀察紀錄噴塗液體的分布情形,其後,將液相膜利用紫外光固化原理,放置UV燈底下照射使其固化,生成UV固化膜成品。
摘要(英) Volatile Organic Compounds, VOCs, are environmental source of pollution, which mainly emitted by using solvent in industry of painting. Nowadays, the workplace of painting is most in atmosphere, if we exposure in this place, it may damage the human body.
In order to reduce the solvent used in painting, in other words, reduce the contact with VOCs, this study established a vacuum polymer coating system to improve the spraying environment and use solvent-free coatings to move the process of industrial coating in the atmosphere to vacuum. Recycling and exhausting systems are established in the vacuum chamber to reduce the possibility of contact with the human body; Using UV-curable materials, it is desirable to achieve a solvent-free UV-curing solution, reducing the viscosity use in a vacuum spray system, atomizing by pressure , achieving a coating effect with a minimum spray amount and rapidly curing into a film. Complete the sample and establish the process of the vacuum spray system.
The study began with improvements in the materials and environment in the coating industry. The research will discuss in two parts: Part of the material: monomer trifunctional and monomer difunctional. The UV curing solutions formulated in a solvent-free form; the sprayed part has an experimental vacuum of 2×10-2 torr, and the coating material sprayed with a nozzle by a pressure. The substrate cosmetic bottle be coated into a liquid film, and then uses a high-speed camera observe the distribution of the spray during the spraying process. Thereafter, the liquid film irradiated by UV lamp formed a UV curing film.
This experiment compares the effects of different viscosity on adhesion and atomization, and UV curing film formation, observes the atomization phenomenon, solves the film formation problem, and successfully produces a film with a smooth and non-porous film surface. In the heat curing and UV process on the market, there are lower temperature and less energy consumption. The UV illumination time of the coating is 50 seconds, the hardness can reach 6H or more, and the adhesion is the highest level of 5B, which is friendly environment and high. Efficiency (no solvent), low VOCs emissions process.
關鍵字(中) ★ 真空噴塗
★ UV固化膜
★ UV固化樹脂
關鍵字(英) ★ vacuum spray
★ UV curing
★ UV curing resin
論文目次 第1章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機 2
1-3 本文架構 3
第2章 基礎理論與產業概況 4
2-1 塗裝業現況 4
2-2 UV塗料介紹與UV固化原理 7
2-2-1 UV塗料介紹 7
2-2-2 UV固化原理 12
2-3 霧化介紹 16
2-3-1 霧化過程 16
2-3-2 霧化噴嘴原理 18
2-3-3 黏度與霧化的關係 21
2-3-4 不同霧化噴嘴種類與壓力關係圖 22
第3章 實驗架構與儀器介紹 24
3-1 實驗架構 24
3-1-1 真空噴塗系統 27
3-1-2 實驗噴嘴 29
3-1-3 UV固化燈 31
3-3 測量儀器 36
3-3-1. 光學顯微鏡 36
3-3-2. 百格刀 36
3-3-3. 硬度計 38
3-3-4. 岩田黏度杯NK-2 39
3-3-5. 高速攝影機 40
3-3-6. 真空噴塗實驗與儀器使用 42
第4章 實驗結果與比較 43
4-1 不同UV固化溶液比例的黏度以及霧化比較 45
4-1-1 不同UV固化溶液比例的黏度比較 45
4-1-2 不同噴嘴的霧化情形比較 47
4-1-3 以高速攝影機做霧化測試討論 49
4-2 固化成膜外觀上的研究與探討 52
4-2-1 不同溶液比例的固化時間比較 52
第5章 結論 58
參考文獻 59
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指導教授 郭倩丞(Chien-Cheng Kuo) 審核日期 2018-10-15
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