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姓名 陳建安(Chien-An Chen) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系 論文名稱 汽車之近光燈白光LED照明設計 相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) 本論文以單顆LED光源設計出符合ECE R112車輛安全檢測基準法規的汽車近光燈,車燈組成架構由白光LED、橢圓面反射鏡、拋物面反射鏡、非球面透鏡、遮光片及稜鏡陣列所組成,白光LED輸出的能量為146流明,為一Lambertian sourse,應用橢圓反射面及拋物面反射鏡的焦點光路特性,將LED放置於橢圓面反射鏡第一焦點,拋物面反射鏡焦點則放置於橢圓面反射鏡第二焦點的位置使其共焦點,形成一複合式反射鏡系統,藉由LightTools 非序列光線(Non-Sequential Ray)作為光源能量分布的參考光線提升複合式反射鏡系統的效率,使LED光源產生準直平行光,利用非球面環曲透鏡將25米待測面上光型優化為一矩型及均勻度較高的光型,最後利用低穿透率平板玻璃及稜鏡陣列的修正,將25M待測面的光型結果修正為符合ECE R112 歐規的光型,25米法規待測面上接收的總流明數為96.14 lm,整體燈具效率為66%。 摘要(英) In this paper we design a vehicle low-beam headlamp by a white LED module to meet the Economic Commission of Europe, Regulation no.112 (ECE R112).The headlamp designed in this study comprises a while LED module, an elliptical reflector, a parabolic reflector, a toric lens, a low-penetration-rate sheet glass and a prism array. The LED lambertian light source with a luminous flux of 146 lumens is located at the first focus of the elliptical reflector. We arranged the focus of the parabolic reflector confocal with the second focus of the elliptical reflector. Then we use non-sequential rays as reference rays to improve the optical efficiency of compound-reflectors system. The light emitted from LED light source became parallel. we arranged a aspheric lens in front of the compound reflectors. we obtain a rectangle and more uniform illumination distribution on the 25-meters measuring screen. Finally, we use the low-penetration-rate sheet glass and the prism array to reach the ECE R112 requirment . The total luminous flux simulated on the 25-meters measuring screen is 96.14 lumens, and the passing beam efficiency is 66%. 關鍵字(中) ★ 汽車頭燈
★ ECE R112規範
★ LED關鍵字(英) ★ vehicle headlamp
★ ECE R112 regulation
★ LED論文目次 摘要............................ I
ABSTRACT........................ II
致謝............................ III
圖目錄............................ VII
表目錄............................ XI
第一章 緒論............................ 1
1.1論文架構簡述......................... 1
1.2研究動機及背景....................... 1
1.3文獻回顧....................... 2
1.3.1反射式車燈....................... 3
1.3.2投射式車燈....................... 5
第二章 車燈設計相關基本原理.............. 7
2.1光度學....... ................ 7
2.1.1光通量(LUMINOUS FLUX).............. 8
2.1.2發光強度(LUMINOUS INTENSITY).... 8
2.1.3光照度(ILLUMINATION)............... 9
2.1.4輝度(LUMINANCE)................... 11
2.1.5 朗伯餘弦定理(LAMBERTIAN COSINE LAW):12
2.1.6 眩光(GLARE)...................... 13
2.2幾何光學....................... 14
2.2.1費馬定律....................... 14
2.2.2反射定律....................... 15
2.2.3折射定律(SNELL′S LAW).............. 15
2.2.4非球面深度方程式................... 16
2.2.5二次曲面常數值及光學特性..... 19
2.2.6稜鏡(PRISM)的偏向角關係..... 21
第三章 汽車車前燈法規............. 23
3.1車前燈法規.................... 23
3.2汽車近光燈法規分析................... 27
3.3近光燈法規配光光型的張角計算.... 30
第四章 汽車近光燈設計............. 31
4.1光源初步選定....................... 31
4.2白光LED設計角度..................... 34
4.3 設計過程....................... 35
4.3.1初階設計....................... 35
4.3.2設計流程圖....................... 36
4.3.3設計過程及結果.................... 37
第五章 結論....................... 62
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