摘要(英) |
We use full reconstruction for analyze 4-body D^(*±) D^∓ π^+ π^- and D^(*+) D^(*-) π^+ π^- events, then compare 2-body, 3-body, 4-body to answer: 1. Exclusive 2-body, exclusive 3-body, exclusive 4-body cross sections and deduce their regularity. 2. How does the vector/pseudoscalar ratio change with the exclusive 2-body, exclusive 3-body, exclusive 4-body processes. 3. Observe the D^* production angle distribution and D^* helicity angle distribution and explain process of production. Answer these questions can help us to clarify production rules and mechanism of particle generation.
In analysis of high energy physics, we use Monte Carlo simulation to get detector efficiency then calculate the number of real events, or compare simulation with real data. In this way we hope to improve future simulations and deeper understanding of its physical phenomenon in analysis. In Monte Carlo simulation, there are two common accepted physics models to predict particle generation, namely Herwig and Pythia (Pythia is adopted in our Belle experiment analysis). Which model is better description for data of Belle experiment, that’s the motivation we want to study “Mechanism of particle generation”. |
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