博碩士論文 105460002 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳慶豪(Ching-Hao Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 會計研究所企業資源規劃會計碩士在職專班
論文名稱 企業資源規劃系統導入之關鍵成功因素與效益評估-以某個案公司為例
(Key Success Factors and Benefit Evaluation of the Introduction of Enterprise Resource Planning System: Taking a Case Company as an Example)
★ 以房養老貸款政策-由台灣金融業之觀點論析★ 企業導入電子商務對經營績效之影響-以N公司為例
★ 台灣網通業應收帳款管理-論析信用保險之功能★ 蘋果概念股金屬機殼產業之投資分析
★ 由鑑識會計角度偵測公司之舞弊-以某個案公司為例★ 企業流程再造-以某食品原料加工公司之報價作業流程為例
★ 企業組織再造之分析-以某醫材業公司為例★ 金融機構執行共同申報及盡職審查作業辦法之影響
★ 中美貿易戰對台灣企業之影響 -以某公司為例★ 管理報表編制對企業經營績效之影響—以A公司為例
★ 現金減資宣告之股價異常報酬-以台灣上市公司為例★ 公司價值評估-以半導體產業某公司為例
★ 公司併購價格之決定-以電子業大聯大收購文曄為例★ 製造業轉型之研究-以某個案公司為例
★ 鑑識會計於政府採購招標階段之應用★ 企業社會責任對於企業績效影響之探討 --以 IC 封測 A 公司為例
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摘要(中) 企業為求永續生存,在現今競爭激烈的環境中,尤其是現在資訊科技如此發達,除維護本身的經營品質,還必須時時刻刻注意到外在環境的變化,對於企業的經營管理都會產生巨大的影響在於顧客與競爭者的任何變動,ERP系統對於商業的處理流程標準化是有幫助的,且同時能夠整合公司內各個功能及流程,以提供資訊給經理人及高層長官做出正確決策,近年來雖然企業紛紛導入,然實施成果卻無法得出一致的結論。
因此,本研究的研究問題最主要有下列三點:(1)探索公司在ERP 系統導入的過程中,前階段那些作業內容未完成,而將影響到後階段的推動?(2) 探索公司在ERP 系統導入的過程中,是否對於每個關鍵成功因素自系統導入開始到完成在每個階段皆不可缺少的重視?(3)研究公司在ERP 系統導入的各個進程可能面臨的阻礙及深奧為何?其如何克服及因應之道如何?藉由文獻探究本研究將開始有條理整理出每個近程之重要成功要素,並且進行資料蒐集及分析藉由採用個案研究方法。而個案資料蒐集主要來自以下三方面:(1)蒐集個案公司內部之相關文件及檔案資料: (2)透過研究者本身對個案在每個階段的實地觀察,並記錄其在導入過程中的執行情形。(3)透過深度訪談個案在每個階段實際參與運作之主管及相關人員
本研究主要針對導入ERP 系統之階段性重要成功要素,藉由本研究結果整理以下三點: (1)本論文對於公司導入ERP系統之進程中,強調後面時段進行的工作是會受前階段某些工作未執行而影響。若能清楚掌握後階段可能受前階段的主要影響作業內容,即能瞭解前階段那些作業內容必須特別加以重視,可以有效避免因為這些作業內容沒有完成而影響到後階段的推動。(2)本論文提供公司導入ERP系統之推行過程中,預先瞭解每個階段可能遭遇的阻礙及困難為何,如能對每個階段遭受的阻礙及困難,預先設定克服及因應方式,將可使導入ERP系統在每個階段的困難及阻礙降低。(3)本研究提供公司導入ERP系統在每個階段之重要成功要素,並可瞭解每個重要成功要素在那些階段是必須受到重視。對於公司在導入ERP系統的前後中,如果可以更清楚掌握每個階段之關鍵成功因素,則可使導入ERP系統更為順利。
摘要(英) In today′s highly competitive environment, in order to survive forever, in addition to maintaining its own operating quality, companies must always pay attention to changes in the external environment, especially now that information technology is so developed, any changes in customers and competitors, Business operations have a big impact. ERP systems help standardize business processes and integrate processes and functions within the enterprise to provide immediate information to senior executives and managers to make the right decisions. Enterprises have introduced them one after another, but the results of the implementation have not reached a consistent conclusion.

Therefore, the research questions in this study mainly have the following three points: (1) Exploring the process of importing ERP system in the process of the enterprise, the work content of the previous stage is not completed, but will affect the promotion of the latter stage? (2) Exploring whether the key success factors must be taken into account at every stage from the beginning of the system to the completion of the ERP system. (3) What are the difficulties and obstacles that enterprises may face at each stage of importing ERP systems? How is it overcome and how it responds? Through the literature, this study will initially sort out the key success factors at each stage, and use case study methods for data collection and analysis. The collection of case data mainly comes from the following three aspects: (1) collecting relevant documents and archives within the company: (2) through the researcher′s own observation of the case at each stage and recording its execution during the import process. situation. (3) Supervisors and related personnel who actually participate in the operation at each stage through in-depth interviews
This study focuses on the key success factors of the ERP system. The results of this study are organized into the following three points: (1) In the process of importing ERP system, the work of the post-emphasis is emphasized by the previous stage. Work is not implemented and affects. If you can clearly understand that the latter stage may be affected by the main activities of the previous stage, you can understand that the contents of the previous stage must be paid special attention, which can effectively avoid the impact of the latter stage due to the incomplete completion of these operations. (2) This study provides the implementation of the ERP system in the process of implementing the enterprise, and understands in advance the difficulties and obstacles that may be encountered at each stage. If the difficulties and obstacles that may be encountered in each stage can be pre-planned, the overcoming and response methods will be The difficulty and hindrance of the introduction of the ERP system at each stage is reduced. (3) This study provides key success factors for companies to introduce ERP systems at each stage, and understands that each key success factor must be valued at those stages. In the process of importing ERP system, if the key success factors of each stage can be more clearly understood, the ERP system can be imported more smoothly
關鍵字(中) ★ 企業資源規劃
★ 紡織業
★ 成功關鍵因素
★ 績效評估
關鍵字(英) ★ enterprise resource planning
★ textile industry
★ key success factors
論文目次 摘 要 I
目錄 V
圖目錄 List of Figures VII
表目錄 List of Tables VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2研究動機與目的 1
1.3研究範圍與限制 2
1.4研究流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 ERP系統的定義與效益 5
2.2 ERP的靈活度 6
2.3企業導入ERP的類型 7
2.4成功關鍵因素的探討 9
2.5績效評估的探討 13
第三章 研究方法論 15
3.1 個案研究方法 15
3.1.1定性研究 15
3.2 個案研究 16
3.3研究步驟 18
3.3.1個案選擇 18
3.3.2資料來源 18
3.3.3訪談設計 19
3.3.4個案研究之進行方式 20
3.3.5 個案資料分析方法 20
3.3.6 研究品質 21
第四章 個案公司導入ERP探討 23
4.1 個案公司簡介 23
4.2 個案公司導入ERP系統的動機與目的 24
4.3 個案公司導入ERP系統之考慮因素 24
4.4 個案公司導入ERP之工作變革 25
4.5 個案公司ERP專案組織 27
4.6 個案公司ERP導入之預計成效 28
4.7 個案公司導入ERP分析 28
第五章 結論 31
5.1研究結論 31
5.2管理意涵 32
5.3研究限制 33
參考文獻 34
中文文獻 34
英文文獻 35
參考文獻 中文文獻
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指導教授 王曉雯 審核日期 2019-1-21
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