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蘇健霖(Chien-Lin Su)
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穩定型分布之冪數之倒數的點估計 (Estimations for Inverse of Exponents of Stable Distributions)
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摘要(中) |
令X,X_1,X_2,......,X_k為一獨立且同分布的穩定型隨機變數其冪數為1/alpha 。本文中,我們以經驗分布函數估計法和經驗特徵函數估計法提出alpha的兩種估計量及其中央極限定理。
當我們考慮穩定型分布分別為Gaussian,Cauchy和 Levy時,我們發現若以極限變異數之最小值為比較標準,則以經驗分布函數為基礎之估計式較佳。
摘要(英) |
Let$X,X_1,X_2,......,X_k$ be a sequence of i.i.d. stable random variables with
exponent,$frac{1}{alpha }$.
In this paper,
we propose estimators of alpha based on empirical distribution and empirical characteristic function
and derive their central limit theorems base which comparisions can be made. We find that estimator based on empirical characteristic function is better in the sense of having smaller minimum limiting variance, when Gaussian,Cauchy and Levy are considered.
關鍵字(中) |
★ Gaussian ★ 經驗特徵函數 ★ 經驗分布函數 ★ 穩定型分布 ★ Cauchy ★ Levy |
關鍵字(英) |
★ empirical distribution function ★ empirical characteristic function ★ Cauchy ★ stable distribution |
論文目次 |
英文摘要. ii
致謝詞. iii
目錄. iv
表目錄. v
2.第二節經驗分布估計法. 2
3.第三節經驗特徵函數估計法. 5
4.第四節Fisher Information .11
5.第五節比較. 17
6.第六節結論. 18
參考文獻. 19
附錄零. 20
附錄一. 40
附錄二. 45
附錄三. 46
附錄四. 47
參考文獻 |
3.Casella,G. and Berger,R.L.(2002).Statistical Inference}.2nd.ed.Duxbury.
4.Chow,Y.S. and Teicher,H.(1997)Probability Theory}.3rd.ed.Springer.
5.Feller,W.(1971)An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications. 2nd.ed.Wiley.
6. Prakasa Rao,B.L.S(1987)Asymptotic Theory of Statistic Inference. Wiley.
指導教授 |
許玉生(Yu-Sheng Hsu)
審核日期 |
2009-6-3 |
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