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姓名 吳英璋(Ying-Jhang Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 大氣科學學系
論文名稱 對IBM_VDRAS四維變分資料同化系統的改進以及在探討複雜地形上劇烈降雨過程的應用:北台灣午後對流個案分析
(The improvement of a 4DVar data assimilation system (IBM_VDRAS) and its applications in analyzing heavy rainfall processes over complex terrain: A case study in Northern Taiwan)
★ 單雷達風場反演—【移動坐標法】的特性分析與應用★ 由都卜勒風場反演熱動力場的新方法 ——TAMEX IOP#2颮線個案應用分析
★ 利用VAD技術及回波保守方程反演渦度場★ 利用單都卜勒雷達反演三維風場之研究─以數值模式資料驗證
★ 在地形上由都卜勒風場反演熱動力場★ 利用Extended-GBVTD方法反求非軸對稱颱風(颶風)風場結構
★ 同化雷達資料對數值預報影響之研究★ 使用系集卡曼濾波器同化都卜勒雷達資料之研究
★ 以3DVAR同化都卜勒雷達觀測及反演資料對於數值模擬結果的影響★ 台灣北部初秋豪雨個案之降雨特性研究
★ 同化都卜勒雷達資料改善模式預報之研究★ 2008年台灣西南部地區TRMM降雨雷達與七股雷達回波觀測比較分析及降雨估計應用研究
★ 使用四維變分同化都卜勒雷達資料以改進短期定量降雨預報★ 同化多部都卜勒雷達資料以提升降水預報能力之研究-2008 SoWMEX IOP8個案分析
★ 結合VDRAS、WRF與雷達網聯資料,以檢視對台灣地區短期降水預報改善之成效★ 結合都卜勒雷達觀測及反演氣象變數與COSMIC RO資料以改進模式預報之可行性研究
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摘要(中) 台灣擁有複雜地形使得預報對流初始、發展、增強及傳遞是更具有挑戰性,本篇研究選擇2014年8月19日北台灣夏季午後對流個案,分析方法分為兩部分。第一部分為地面測站資料分析,第二部分使用最新研發的四維變分都卜勒雷達資料同化系統(IBM_VDRAS),其運用沉浸邊界法(Immersed Boundary Method),因此具有解析地形的能力,並且能同化雷達及地面觀測資料,產出每17.5分鐘更新的完整三維高時空解析分析場,本研究共產生8個分析場來分析。
摘要(英) The complex terrain in Taiwan area makes it more challenging to forecast convection initiation, intensification, and propagation. In this research, the heavy rainfall event occurring on 19 August 2014 in northern Taiwan is selected. We use a newly-developed four-dimensional variational Doppler radar assimilation system (IBM_VDRAS), which is capable of simulating the topographic effect by adopting the so-called Immersed Boundary Method, and assimilating radar observations and surface station data. The products of IBM_VDRAS are a series of frequently-updated three-dimensional analysis fields over the complex terrain. In this case study, a total of eight analysis fields times are generated with a temporal interval of 17.5 min over a period of 2.5 h.
From the surface observations and the high temporal/spatial resolution analysis fields generated by IBM_VDRAS, it is found that the rainfall process started with the initiation of individual convective cells. The outflow of one of the convective cells merged with another convective system and helped to intensify the latter. The intensified major convective cell then moved into the Taipei metropolitan area and produced 80 mm of heavy precipitation within 2.5 h. The role played by the topographic forcing on the development of the convective system is investigated. A series of experiments are also designed and conducted by moving out terrain or surface assimilated variables to examine the performance of IBM_VDRAS in short-term rainfall forecasts. The result shows that SMR prevents the outflow from propagating southward, and LKHL and MTYM increase the outflow propagation speed. The surface wind assimilation improves the QPF skill by correcting the wind speed bias and controlling the magnitude of low-level convergence.
關鍵字(中) ★ 資料同化
★ 定量降雨預報
★ 敏感度測試
★ 都卜勒雷達觀測
★ 劇烈降水
★ 伴隨模式
關鍵字(英) ★ data assimilation
★ quantitative precipitation forecast
★ sensitivity test
★ Doppler radar observation
★ heavy rainfall
★ adjoint model
論文目次 Chinese Abstract I
English abstract II
Acknowledgements III
Table of Content IV
List of Tables VII
List of Figures VII
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the afternoon thunderstorm 1
1.2 Background of data assimilation 2
1.3 Research goal and outline 5
Chapter 2 Methodology: Variational Doppler Radar Analysis System 6
2.1 Mesoscale background 6
2.2 Cloud-resolving model 7
2.3 Cost function and the adjoint model 10
2.4 Surface data assimilation and Immersed Boundary Method 12
2.5 The improvement of IBM_VDRAS 13
Chapter 3 Real case overview and data processing/preparation 15
3.1 An overview of the event 15
3.2 Synoptic scale analysis 15
3.3 Data processing 16
3.3.1 Radar description and quality control (QC) 16
3.3.2 Surface station description and QC 17
3.4 Treatment of surface station analysis 17
3.5 Domain setting and experiment design 18
3.5.1 Assimilation Strategy 19
3.5.2 TEAM-R validation and station temperature verification 20
Chapter 4 Surface station and IBM_VDRAS analysis 22
4.1 Surface station analyses 22
4.2 IBM_VDRAS analyses 24
4.3 Rainfall structure analysis 26
Chapter 5 Quantitative Precipitation Forecast (QPF) and sensitivity test 28
5.2 Experimental design for sensitivity test of the topographic effect 28
5.3 Results for sensitivity test of the topographic effect 29
5.4 Experimental design for sensitivity test of surface assimilation 30
5.5 Results for sensitivity test of surface assimilation 31
5.6 Fraction skill score (FSS) of QPFs 32
5.7 The rainfall mechanism illustrated by IBM_VDRAS forecast 33
5.8 Schematic diagram for the heavy rainfall event 33
Chapter 6 Summary and future work 36
6.1 Summary and conclusions 36
6.2 Future work 37
Appendix A The adjoint model and adjoint code 39
A-1 Theoretical derivation of the adjoint model 39
A-2 Practical derivation of the adjoint code 41
A-3 Derivation of the adjoint variables for diagnostic variables 46
A-4 Derivation of Immersed Boundary Method (IBM) adjoint 49
Appendix B Surface station treatment and assimilation 52
B-1 Surface observation variables 52
B-2 Observation variables transformation 52
B-3 Objective surface assimilation 54
Appendix C Immersed boundary method (IBM) 56
C-1 Identify the ghost cell 56
C-2 Finding the image point 56
C-3 Update the values of the ghost cell 57
Appendix D The improvement of IBM_VDRAS 60
D-1 Problems when lateral boundaries intersect with terrain 60
D-2 Update ghost cell value from the horizontal rather than vertical grid points 62
D-3 Modification of surface assimilation system 63
Appendix E Others 65
E-1 Radar QC 65
E-2 Surface temperature terrain-following interpolation 66
References 67
Tables 72
Figures 75
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指導教授 廖宇慶(Liou Yu-Chieng) 審核日期 2019-5-31
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