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姓名 羅翊銓(Yi-Chuan Lo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 大氣科學學系
論文名稱 IBM_VDRAS系統功能的擴充與個案模擬- 以2017年7月7日午後對流為例
(The extension of IBM_VDRAS system and its case study-07/07/2017 afternoon thunderstorm case.)
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摘要(中) 本研究利用IBM_VDRAS (Variational Doppler Radar Analysis System based on immersed boundary method)分析2017年7月7日的午後對流個案。分析之前我們新增了以下幾個功能,分別是科氏力、雷達波束遮擋和晴空回波同化以及新的極小化方法L-BFGS-B(Limited-memory BFGS for bound-constrained)。此外,為解決IBM_VDRAS低層風場高估的問題,在本研究中將地形下邊界條件從滑動邊界改為非滑動邊界,並和觀測比較孰優劣。個案分析會比較移動午後對流和一般午後對流的結構差別,並推測造成此差別的原因。
摘要(英) This study utilized IBM_VDRAS (Immersed Boundary Method_Variational Doppler Radar Analysis System) to analyze the afternoon thunderstorm on 7 July 2017. Before we analyzed this case, a few new features were implemented to IBM_VDRAS. They included Coriolis force, radar beam blockage, assimilation of clear air echo, and a new minimizer called LBFGS-B (Limited-memory BFGS for bound-constrained). Furthermore, in order to resolve the problems associated with the overestimation of wind speed at the lowest level of IBM_VDRAS, we changed the lower boundary condition from free-slip to no-slip type, and compared the results against the observations. The results showed that no-slip type boundary condition is able to reduce the problem of wind speed overestimation, and generate more accurate wind directions than those from the free-slip type boundary. In the case study of this research we compared the differences between a fast moving convection over the plain and an ordinary convection developed in the mountainous area, and attempted to find out the reason causing such differences.
From the analyses of IBM_VDRAS, it can be seen that the structure of the moving convection was asymmetric, and was more like a squall line, with strong wind descending behind the convection to the ground. This is also confirmed by the surface station observations as the wind speed increased when the convection passed the station. In addition, the cold pool’s moving speed was approximately equal to the strong wind. Therefore, it is speculated that the movement of this moving convective system was driven by the advection of the strong wind. On the other hand, the ordinary convection developed vertically in the mountainous area without strong wind field, and was almost stationary. The difference might be attributed to the strength of the environmental wind shear. From the ERA5 reanalysis data, it was shown that the maximum wind speed in the plain area occurred at 2.0 ~ 3.0 km, and the low level wind shear below 3.0 km was about 8ms^(-1). By contrast, the wind speed above mountain was weaker, with a low level wind shear below 3.0 km of only 3.5ms^(-1).
關鍵字(中) ★ IBM_VDRAS
★ 午後對流
關鍵字(英) ★ IBM_VDRAS
★ Afternoon convection
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VI
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 文獻回顧 1
1-3 研究動機與目的 2
第二章 研究方法 4
2-1. IBM_VDRAS介紹 4
2-1-1. VDRAS 4
2-1-2. GCIBM 7
2-2. 新增功能 8
2-2-1. 科氏力 8
2-2-2. 雷達波束遮擋與晴空回波同化 9
2-2-3. L-BFGS-B下降法 10
2-3. 雷達資料處理 11
2-3-1. NCU 12
2-3-2. RCWF 12
2-3-3. RCMK 13
2-3-4. RCCG 13
第三章 非滑動邊界 14
3-1. Ghost cell更新方式 14
3-2. 與滑動邊界的差異 15
第四章 實際個案介紹與模擬 16
4-1. 天氣概況 16
4-2. 模式設定 17
4-2-1. WRF 17
4-2-2. VDRAS 18
4-3. 地面測站檢驗 18
4-4. 系統結構分析 20
4-4-1. 移動對流 20
4-4-2. 一般對流 21
4-4-3. 綜合分析 22
4-5. 科氏力的影響 24
第五章 總結 26
5-1. 結論 26
5-2. 未來展望 26
參考文獻 28
附表 33
附圖 36
附錄 92
Appendix A -- PhiDP去折疊 92
Appendix B -- 地面溫度、濕度客觀分析 94
參考文獻 陳依涵,2016:發展地面資料同化方法以改善都卜勒雷達變分分析系統之分析與預報能力。國立中央大學大氣物理所碩士論文,1–95。

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指導教授 廖宇慶(Yu-Chieng Liou) 審核日期 2019-7-2
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