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姓名 許修維(Hsiu-Wei Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 大氣科學學系
論文名稱 2008 年 SoWMEX 期間雷達折射率 之特徵及應用
(The Characteristics and Application of Radar Refractivity During 2008 SoWMEX)
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摘要(中) 近地表的水氣資訊對於研究對流肇始及邊界層發展相當重要,但是過去對於水氣的觀測僅限於地面觀測點或線上的方式,高時間空間解析度的水氣資訊仍相當缺乏。折射率值的變化會受到溫度、壓力、濕度的影響,從地面測站的資料顯示折射率的變化有79%以上歸因於水氣的變化,因此本研究透過2008年SoWMEX(Southwest Monsoon Experiment)期間,NCAR S-Pol雷達所反演出的折射率及地面測站資料,來評估高時間空間解析度的水氣變化特徵與天氣現象之間的關聯。
摘要(英) Near-surface high temporal and spatial moisture information is important for research of convection initiation(CI) and boundary layer evolution, but the in-situ water vapor observation is limited to the surface station points and quite deficient. The change of refractivity is caused by variations of the pressure, temperature, and particularly humidity. The result of fixed stations shows that the variation of refractivity is mainly from water vapor contribution. Therefore, this study combines the refractivity retrieved from NCAR S-band dual-Polarization Doppler radar (S-Pol) and surface station data during 2008 SoWMEX(Southwest Monsoon Experiment) to study the relationship between the characteristics of moisture variation with high resolution and different weather systems.
The comparison shows that the refractivity results between the radar retrieval and in-situ observation, like surface stations and radiosonde, have high correlation. Thus, the radar data derived refractivity is representative of low-level atmospheric refractivity.
During 2008 SoWMEX, it is shown that the variation of refractivity is mainly influenced by water vapor in different weather systems. Under weak-synoptic condition, we find that radar-retrieved refractivity field can clearly reveal the development of land sea breeze circulation. The maximum (minimum) of refractivity takes place around the midnight (dawn), as a result of the air mass accumulation caused by wind speed reduction near midnight and the dryer land breeze near dawn. The intrusion of sea breeze front with abundant water vapor in the morning might set up a favorable environment for afternoon convection initiation. Besides, due to evaporation cooling caused by rainfall, the distribution of sharp refractivity gradient and reflectivity over 30dBZ show high consistency. The cold and wet air is reduced gradually owing to dryer downslope wind from typhoon circulation.
This study demonstrates that refractivity inferred by weather radar can compensate the limited data coverage from fixed surface stations and provide the low-level water vapor information with high resolution under Meso-γ scale. It is also feasible to use refractivity to study the development of the boundary layer and convective storms, or be applied to data assimilation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 折射率
★ 邊界層
★ 對流肇始
關鍵字(英) ★ refractivity
★ boundary layer
★ convection initiation
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 IV
目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
一、緒論 1
1.1前言與文獻回顧 1
1.2研究動機與方向 3
二、資料與方法 4
2.1觀測實驗介紹 4
2.2儀器介紹 5
2.2.1 NCAR S-Pol雷達介紹 5
2.2.2地面觀測站介紹 5
2.3使用資料介紹 5
2.4折射指數與折射率 6
2.5雷達折射率 8
2.5.1相位的測量 8
2.5.2雷達折射率的反演步驟 11
2.5.3雷達折射率的誤差來源 12
2.6雷達折射率的驗證 13
2.6.1雷達折射率的驗證-弱綜觀環境 14
2.7近地表水氣反演 15
三、結果與討論 15
3.1雷達折射率分布特徵 15
3.2海陸風與午後對流 18
3.2.1 2008年6月8日 18
3.2.2 2008年6月20日 20
3.3 降雨帶的移入 23
3.3.1 2008年6月24日 23
3.4弱綜觀天氣影響下折射率的日夜循環 24
四、結論與未來展望 27
4.1結論 27
4.2未來展望 29
五、參考文獻 31
六、附錄 36
1.各變數對於折射率的變化貢獻量 36
2.弱綜觀環境場的選取 36
3.雷達折射率的資料處理 36
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指導教授 林沛練 廖宇慶(Pay-Liam Lin Yu-Chieng Liou) 審核日期 2019-8-20
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