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姓名 王映婷(Ying-Ting Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 賣家在面對策略型消費者與產品過時下之折扣策略
(Seller’s discount policy when facing strategic consumer and product obsolescence)
★ 二階段作業研究模式於立體化設施規劃應用之探討–以半導體製造廠X及Y公司為例★ 推行TPM活動以改善設備總合效率並提昇 企業競爭力...以U公司桃園工廠為例
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摘要(中) 當賣方面對市場中的策略型消費者時,他必須做出幾個重要的決定來支持他的事業,例如他想要提供的折扣頻率和折扣深度,以便最大化他的利潤。在我們的日常生活中,我們經常會在購買商品時看到不同類型的促銷活動,特別是如果我們的產品有時效性。而這些不僅僅只是市場銷售策略,背後更重要的是賣家透過該策略來改變消費者對原本產品的效用。


摘要(英) When seller face strategic consumers in the market, he has to make several important decisions to support his business, some of the important decisions are the discount frequency and discount depth that he wants to provide in order to maximize his profit. In our daily life, we often see different kinds of promotions when we purchase goods especially if our product is going to be obsolescent. The most difficult choice for both seller and consumer is : which one to choose? Deep but less frequent discount or little but frequently discount?
More importantly, these strategies are not just strategies, sellers use these strategies to change the consumer’s utility to the product.
Usually, people prefer deep but less frequent discount because the product is durable. However, if the product is going to be obsolescent, and we assume seller will make a discount as time goes by, then how do we know which method is more profitable both for seller and consumer?
To address this phenomenon related to both seller’s and consumer’s decision, we develop a model of consumer’s surplus to find the optimal discount depth and optimal discount frequency under the situation which the product is obsolescent and the consumer is strategic. We use the model to analyze the different cases to the obsolescent product and discount depth and discount frequency.
關鍵字(中) ★ 策略型顧客
★ 消費者效用
★ 產品過時
★ 折扣頻率
★ 折扣深度
關鍵字(英) ★ Strategic Consumer
★ Consumer Utility
★ Product Obsolescence
★ Discount Frequency
★ Discount Depth
論文目次 Abstract..........................................ⅰ
List of Table ....................................ⅳ
List of Figure....................................ⅴ
Chapter 1 Introduction............................1
1.1 Background and Motivation ....................1
1.2 Research objectives...........................2
Chapter 2 Literature Review.......................3
2.1 Utility, Reservation Price and Surplus........3
2.2 Strategic Consumer............................4
2.3 Product Obsolescence..........................4
2.4 Discount Frequency and Depth .................4
Chapter 3 Model ..................................6
3.1 The Strategic Consumer Model..................6
3.2 The Discount Frequency and Depth Model........8
3.3 The Obsolescence Model........................8
3.4 The Combined Model ...........................9
Chapter 4 Numerical Example.......................11
4.1 Example of Strategic consumer Model (with product obsolescence,without discount frequency and depth effect)...........................................11
4.2 Example of Strategic Consumer Model (with discount effect)...........................................12
Chapter 5 Sensitivity Analysis....................15
Chapter 6 Summary.................................20
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[3] Luis Briceño-Arias, José R. Correa, Andrés Perlroth,2017, " Optimal Continuous Pricing with Strategic Consumers", management science,pp.3-5
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[10] Aristeidis Theotokis a,∗, Katerina Pramatari b,1, Michael Tsiros c, 2012," Effects of Expiration Date-Based Pricing on Brand Image Perceptions",Journal of Retailing 88 (1, 2012) 80–83
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Xiaohuan Wang Zhi-Ping Fan Yiming Wang Manning Li , 2015,"A laboratory
exploration for multi-period perishable food pricing", British Food Journal, Vol.
117 s 9 pp.6-10
[20] Joseph W. Alba, Carl F. Mela, Terence A. Shimp, and Joel E. Urbany Source: Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 26, No. 2 (September 1999), pp. 104
[21] Luis Briceño-Arias, José R. Correa, Andrés Perlroth,2017, " Optimal Continuous Pricing with Strategic Consumers", management science,pp.3-5
[22] Guillermo Gallego, Ming Hu (2014) Dynamic Pricing of Perishable Assets Under Competition. Management Science 60(5):1248-1250
[23] Manel Baucells, Nikolay Osadchiy, Anton Ovchinnikov (2016) Behavioral Anomalies in Consumer Wait-or-Buy Decisions and Their Implications for Markdown Management. Operations Research,pp.5-9
[24] Omar Besbes, Ilan Lobel (2015) Intertemporal Price Discrimination: Structure and Computation of Optimal Policies. Management Science 61(1):95-100.
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[26] Jaekwon Chung1 and Dong Li2 1 ,2013, " A simulation of the impacts of dynamic price management for perishable foods on retailer performance in the presence of need-driven purchasing consumers", Kookmin University, Seoul, South Korea; and 2 University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK,pp1180-1183
[27] Aristeidis Theotokis a,∗, Katerina Pramatari b,1, Michael Tsiros c, 2012," Effects of Expiration Date-Based Pricing on Brand Image Perceptions",Journal of Retailing 88 (1, 2012) 80–83
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指導教授 曾富祥(Fu-Shiang Tseng) 審核日期 2019-7-24
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