摘要(英) |
Solar cell manufacturing is labor intensive industry in Taiwan. Today’s competitive business environment, due to the cost of raw material keeps rising, consumers are pursuing good quality and low price products, that reduce profitability. Therefore, how to make full use of enterprise resources, reduce production costs, improve quality and production efficiency, those are critical indicators. To implement further study and improving the production performance of the factory will help strengthen the business physique, by high efficiency to gain a competitive advantage in the micro-profitable era.
This study is mainly to probe into that the case company faced with a highly competitive pressure. Building a lean team and creating coherence. This thesis describes how the Toyota Production System was applied and the extents of improvement results such as leveling, production lead time reduction & productivity increases, and apply it to the similar production process. The conclusion is implement lean production and all employees have to participation, and keeping on improving process with complete system and discipline management.
Keywords:Solar cell manufacturing, Toyota Production System, Lean Production
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