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姓名 賴銘俊(Ming-Chun Lai) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 工業管理研究所在職專班 論文名稱 應用田口方法提升汽車雷達天線效能最佳化之研究 相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] 至系統瀏覽論文 ( 永不開放) 摘要(中) 汽車雷達微波天線 (Microwave antenna)電路板是汽車主動雷達偵測模組供應鏈的一環,且位於tier 2 供應鏈,更是汽車微波雷達模組裝關鍵的零組件,約佔整個組裝成本10-20%材料成本。汽車雷達微波硬體模組包含發射器,其功能為生成射頻訊號;接收器,將射頻訊號管換為低頻訊號;處理器,經過運算將訊號轉換為距離、速度、角度;而天線(Antenna)負責將電能轉化成電磁波。雷達使用的頻段頻率越高,其波長越短,解析度速度和準確度會越高,這是微波雷達重要的特性。
本文主要針對汽車雷達模組的微波天線 (Microwave antenna)最佳化設計,先透過現有可控的關鍵特性項目、量測數據與微波最終效能表現分析主要因子,再應用實驗設計法針對此因子於生產中的影響找出最佳化生產條件。
摘要(英) The automotive radar microwave antenna circuit board is a part of the automotive active radar detection module supply chain, and is located in the tier 2 supply chain, is also a key component of automotive microwave radar module assembly, accounting for the entire assembly cost of 10- 20% material cost. The automotive radar microwave hardware module includes a transmitter, the function of which is to generate an RF signal; the receiver converts the RF signal tube into a low frequency signal; the processor converts the signal into a distance, a speed, and an angle through operation; and the antenna, Responsible for converting electrical energy into electromagnetic waves. The higher the frequency band used by the radar, the shorter the wavelength, and the higher the resolution speed and accuracy. This is an important feature of microwave radar.
In order to effectively reduce automobile driving accidents, in recent years, the auto-driving function of automobiles has been paid more and more attention and welcomed by consumers. The application requirements of automotive radar electronic products are also fermented quickly in in the supply chain, but due to rapid demand. Production and assembly of the entire industry may not immediately achieve optimal design and optimization of production conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the quality level through testing and measuring the electronic performance. This inevitably increases the cost of many learning curves. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the factors that will lower the manufacturing and quality variation, and then obtain stable quality and improve the industrial interest. The most important target.
This paper focuses on the optimization design of the microwave antenna of the automotive radar module. Firstly, it analyzes the main factors through the existing controllable key characteristic items, measurement data and microwave final performance analysis, and then applies the experimental design method to this factor. Find out the optimal production conditions by the impact of production.
However, the most important factor affecting the performance of automotive radar is the quality characteristic structure design of the antenna. In order to explore the optimal manufacturing of automotive radar antennas and methods, this study first establishes and analyzes the research model and combines the Taguchi method to find the optimal production design combination to effectively improve the efficiency and quality of the overall automotive radar antenna circuit board.
關鍵字(中) ★ 田口方法 關鍵字(英) ★ Taguchi Methods 論文目次 目錄
第一章緒論 ………………………………………………………..………….……………1
1.1研究背景 ………………………………………………………………………………1
1.2研究動機 ………………………………………………………………………………4
1.3研究目的 ………………………………………………………………………………4
第二章汽車雷達天線板產業概況與研究方法 …………………………...……………..6
2.1汽車雷達天線板介紹與應用 …………………………………………..……………..6
2.2汽車雷達天線產業現況 …………………………………………………..….….……7
2.3汽車雷達天線組裝效能 ………………………………………………..…………..7
3.4第一次模擬測試結果分析 ……………………………………………….…...……23
3.5第二次實驗設計 ………………………………………………........................……27
4.2未來研究展望…………………………..…………………….….…………...….……33參考文獻 1. 小西省三 主編 /田口品質工程組譯,品質評價的S/N比,中國生產力中心出版,1990/06
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