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姓名 黃鈞琮(Jyun-Cong Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 水文與海洋科學研究所
論文名稱 應用雙通道微模型探討空氣殘餘型態對新舊水互動的影響
★ 季長期氣象預報於灌區營運決策的應用與經濟價值分析:以桃園大圳二支線農業用水為例
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摘要(中) 非飽和層中原有殘餘水( “舊水” )的多寡與分佈影響著降雨入滲、灌溉、滲漏等入侵此區域之水( “新水” )的分布型態,且地表下新舊水的互動也影響著地下水水質。
摘要(英) The unsaturated zone is an important part of the path for surface water entering groundwater. The amount and location of the residual water (old water) in the vadose zone affects the infiltration of invading water ( new water, e.g., that from rainfall, stream flow, and irrigation water etc.).
In this study, I showed the interaction between "old water" and "new water" under different pumping rates, geometry factor and evaporation level of old water, by using pore doublet micromodel experiment. Air entrapment is a key directly separating the new and old water, and promoting "old water" remaining.
I focus on the air entrapment and what influence on "new and old water interplay". The experimental results show that the evaporation process changes the position of the old water and enhances the air-bubble trapping. The air bubble entrapment reduces the new-old water interplay. And in that case, the new water can only contacted with the old water by corner flow. Under high injection flow rate, the old water and air bubbles were pushed out of the tube before the new water contacted the old water by corner flow. The old water would not be pushed until the capacity up than 50μL/min. This study shows that the evaporation process has a significant effect on the air-bubble trapping. The air bubble reduces the chance of the new-old water mixing. In addition, the corner flow is the path for new water intruding and mixing with the old water.
關鍵字(中) ★ 微模型
★ 新舊水
★ 角落流
關鍵字(英) ★ micro model
★ new old water
★ corner flow
論文目次 摘要 I
誌謝 IV
目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 X
一、 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 文獻回顧 1
1-3 研究目的 4
1-4 研究流程 4
二、 相關理論 5
2-1 管流方程式 (POISEUILLE’S LOW) 5
2-2 接觸角遲滯現象 7
2-3 角落流 9
三、 實驗方法 11
3-1 模型製程 11
3-1-1 流道設計 11
3-1-2 母模製作 12
3-1-3 PDMS翻印 13
3-1-4 PDMS改質及封裝 15
3-2 注入實驗 17
3-2-1 實驗及觀測設備 17
3-2-2 注入實驗流程 19
3-2-3 注入實驗的控制因素 20
3-3 實驗分析 26
3-4 照片顏色 27
四、 結果與討論 29
4-1 模型製作 29
4-2 角落流額外活動空間 30
4-3 實驗中影響新舊水互動的因子 33
4-3-1 取代行為的主要控制因子 33
4-3-2 溶質擴散及混合的主要控制因子 37
4-3-3 擁有三種互動機制的實驗組別: M1_Q5_A 40
4-3-4 無新舊水互動機制的實驗組別: M3_Q5_A 42
4-4 空氣殘餘與其遷徙的控制因子 43
4-4-1 舊水排退後的殘餘相型態對空氣殘餘的影響 43
4-4-2 蒸發後殘餘相位置對空氣殘餘的影響 45
4-4-3 空氣殘餘的遷徙 49
4-5 不同模型所需注入時間 51
五、 結論與建議 52
5-1 結論 52
5-2 建議 54
參考文獻 55
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指導教授 李明旭 許少瑜(Ming-Hsu Li Shao Yiu-Hsu) 審核日期 2019-8-22
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