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論文名稱 Seismic Activity along the Santorini-Amorgos Zone Based on Data from Temporary and Permanent Seismic Networks
(Seismic Activity along the Santorini-Amorgos Zone Based on Data from Temporary and Permanent Seismic Networks)
★ Crustal Seismicity of the eastern Hellenic volcanic arc: Its relationship with active faulting and volcanic centers
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摘要(中) 摘要
聖多里尼阿莫爾戈斯島區位於基克拉迪群島群島,位於希臘火山弧的中心。由於板塊回滾與重力擴張相結合,該區域受到愛琴海域的延伸的影響。火山活動和擴展,聖托里尼島 - 阿莫爾戈斯地區的地震活動很高,產生了兩次大地震,並於隨後發生了海嘯。1956年7月9日,地震發生在阿莫爾戈斯島的東南部,測量到的地面波震度分別是7.4和7.2。此研究利用現代地震學方法以更了解聖托里尼 - 阿莫爾戈斯地區的地震活動。我們使用來自兩個臨時(CYCNET和EGELADOS)和永久(HUSN)地震測震網數據。 CYCNET的數據記錄期間為2002年9月至2004年7月,EGELADOS為2005年10月至2007年3月。HUSN的數據期為2011年1月至2018年12月。其間在聖多里尼阿莫爾戈斯島地區共記錄到1868次地震。這些地震的絕對位置是通過使用Non Lin Loc以非線性的計算方法獲得的。
愛琴海東南部的一維地殼速度模型用於地震定位。我們使用執行雙差算法的hypoDD重新定位了其中83.4%的地震(1558次地震)。相對位置的水平誤差為0.03-0.05 km,垂直誤差為0.05 km。重新定位的地震集中在Kolumbo火山礁和Santorini-Anafi斷層帶,其中包括Anydros盆地。489次重新定位的地震發生在Kolumbo火山礁,其中大部分集中在Kolumbo海底火山下3-15公里的深處。聖托里尼 - 阿納菲斷裂帶的重新定位地震發生在聖托里尼 - 阿納菲斷層帶的西南 - 東北方向。我們根據使用ISOLA軟件包的雅典國家地震目錄,計算了部分規模超過3.5的地震的矩張量解。大多數力矩張量解在西南 - 東北方向顯示出傾斜的正常斷裂機制。其中一個具有顯著的補償線性矢量偶極子(CLVD)分量,可能是由該區域的破裂複雜性引起的。在Kolumbo火山下發生的地震的矩張量解決方案具有顯著的雙偶合(DC)分量,表示可能與Kameni-Kolumbo區域相連的正常斷層。


The Santorini-Amorgos zone is located in the Cyclades islands group which is in the center of the Hellenic volcanic arc. This zone is affected by the extension in the Aegean domain as the result of slab rollback combined with gravitational spreading. Due to volcanic activity and extension, the Santorini-Amorgos zone has high seismic activity that has produced two large earthquakes which were followed by a tsunami. These earthquakes occurred in the southeastern part of the island of Amorgos on 9 July 1956 and had 7.4 and 7.2 surface wave magnitude. We utilized modern seismological methods to understand better the seismic activity in the Santorini-Amorgos zone. We used data from temporary (CYCNET and EGELADOS) and permanent (HUSN) seismic networks. The data period of CYCNET is from September 2002 to July 2004, and EGELADOS is from October 2005 to March 2007. The data period of HUSN is from January 2011 to December 2018. We found 1868 earthquakes which occurred in the Santorini-Amorgos zone. The absolute location of these earthquakes was obtained by using NonLinLoc which implements a non-linear approach of earthquake location calculation. The one-dimensional crustal velocity model of the southeast Aegean produced better absolute locations for these earthquakes than the model of the Santorini-Kolumbo volcanic zone. We relocated 83.4% of the earthquakes (1558 earthquakes) using hypoDD which implements the double-difference algorithm. The horizontal error of relative location is 0.03-0.05 km, and the vertical error is 0.05 km. The relocated earthquakes concentrated in Kolumbo volcanic reef and the Santorini-Anafi fault zone, including the Anydros basin. The 489 relocated earthquakes occurred in Kolumbo volcanic reef, and most of them concentrated at depths 3-15 km beneath Kolumbo submarine volcano. The relocated earthquakes in the Santorini-Anafi fault zone occurred in a southwest-northeast direction along the horst of Santorini-Anafi fault. We calculated the moment tensor solutions of the earthquakes which had local magnitude above 3.5 based on the National Observatory of Athens earthquake catalog using the ISOLA package. Most of the moment tensor solutions showed oblique normal faulting mechanism striking in the southwest-northeast direction. One of them had a significant compensated linear vector dipole (CLVD) component probably caused by rupture complexity in this zone. The moment tensor solution of an earthquake that occurred beneath Kolumbo volcano had a significant double-couple (DC) component representing a normal fault that probably links with the Kameni-Kolumbo zone.
關鍵字(中) ★ 聖托里尼阿莫爾戈斯地區
★ 地震活動
★ 震源機制
關鍵字(英) ★ Santorini-Amorgos Zone
★ Seismic activity
★ Focal mechanism

摘要 i
1.1 Tectonic setting of the Santorini-Amorgos zone 1
1.2 Seismicity in the Santorini-Amorgos zone 3
1.3 Aims and structure of this thesis 4
2.1 The Cyclades seismic network 9
2.2 The EGELADOS seismic network 10
2.3 The Hellenic unified seismic network 10
2.4 Data pre-processing 11
3.1 Absolute location 16
3.1.1 Method 16
3.1.2 Results 18
3.2 Relative location 19
3.2.1 Method 19
3.2.2 Results 22
3.3 Moment tensor inversion 23
3.3.1 Method 23
3.3.2 Results 26
Appendix A 45
Appendix B 50
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指導教授 K. I. Konstantinou(K. I. Konstantinou) 審核日期 2019-7-17
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