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姓名 賽麗婭(Célia Jacquet)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 亞際文化研究國際學位學程
論文名稱 “他更像是一朵花還是一個科隆人?”:Shadowhuunters中的民粹主義和酷兒亞洲男性氣概
("Is He More of a Flower or a Cologne Man?": Populism and Queer Asian Masculinity in Shadowhunters)
★ 從同情到自省-美國十九世級改革文學的轉變★ 作勢反叛: 亡命鴛鴦電影與六十年代反文化的批判
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摘要(中) 本文將通過分析電視劇「暗影獵手」中的馬格納斯·貝恩的性格和其(高度性化及充滿同性情慾之)同人小說,來討論陽剛性和種族政治。無論是在Cassandra Clare於2007年到2014年間創作出版的原著青年小說《骸骨之城》(The Mortal Instruments)裡,還是之後的電視節目,這位雙性戀的亞洲男性角色迅速成為粉絲的最愛,因此一系列以他為主角的新書隨之出版。雖然他在原創作品中只是一個次要的角色,但在2016年1月至2019年5月播出的影集Shadowhunters的改編中變得更加重要。然而,影集並不是原著小說的第一個視聽改編。
摘要(英) This thesis will discuss masculinity and race politics through the analysis of the character of Magnus Bane in the TV show Shadowhunters and in slash (sexualized and homoerotic fanfictions). Originally created by Cassandra Clare in her Young Adult novel series The Mortal Instruments and published between 2007 and 2014, the bisexual Asian male character has rapidly become a favorite among the fans of both the original novels and the TV shows, resulting in the creation of an upcoming new book series featuring him as the leading character. Although he has a minor role in the original work, his character has gained much more importance in the television adaptation Shadowhunters, broadcast from January 2016 to May 2019.
As a “freewheeling bisexual”, I read Magnus Bane as an unconstrained and ambivalent character distinguished for his relative disregard for rules and conventions. I propose to situate Magnus Bane as a challenging character not because of his queer masculinity, but rather for his rebellious and anti-conformist queer portrayal of Asian masculinity in a western context. In this thesis, I situate Magnus Bane at the crossroads of a globalized renewal of concepts of masculinity, the continuity of the portrayal of Asian men in Western media, and the contradictive inclusiveness of non-normative identities in the tense contemporary context of white populism in Western societies. I especially read him through the lenses of the idea of the rise of racialized populism and the far right in the West (although it is a more global phenomenon), the embodiment of queerness as an empowering force, as well as with the reading of slash as a transformative androgynous romance.
關鍵字(中) ★ 白人民粹主義
★ 陽剛性
★ 酷兒
★ 性相
關鍵字(英) ★ White populism
★ Masculinity
★ Queer
★ Sexuality
論文目次 Abstract i
中文摘要 ii
Acknowledgments iii
Table of Contents iv
Chapter One: Introduction 1
1.1 Historical recounting of the Young Adult genre 3
1.2 A limited progressiveness 5
1.3 A brief introduction of “Slash” 8
1.4 Methodology and chapters layout 15
Chapter Two: The Rebellious Warlock: Race, Class, and Sexuality in the Shadow World 26
2.1 “There’s so much that you don’t know about him” 27
2.2 The fantastic embodiment of populist notions 30
2.3 “It isn’t my first witch hunt” 35
2.4 Racialized species and social relations 46
Chapter Three: Hegemonic Masculinity and Androgyny 63
3.1 The Shadowhunters’ hypermasculinity vs. Magnus’s ambivalent disturbance 66
3.2 Magnus Bane, a “Flower Boy”? 78
3.3 Are you top or bottom? 80
3.4 Slash theory of androgyny 83
3.5 “You are confusing me” 88
Chapter 4: Conclusion 101
• Bibliography 109
• Filmography 114
• Online sources 115
• Online Fanfictions 120
參考文獻 • Bibliography

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• Online Fanfictions

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指導教授 白瑞梅(Amie Elizabeth. Parry) 審核日期 2019-6-10
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