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姓名 簡鈺㝗(Yu-Liang Chien)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
(Nucleation and growth kinetics of hexagonal boron nitride growth on copper substrate in chemical vapor deposition)
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摘要(中) 隨著石墨烯的發現,二維材料由於其突出的性能和應用潛力而受到特別關注。此外,氮化硼是一種由III-V族的硼與氮元素所組成的等比例結構。在二維材料中,六方氮化硼是藉由硼原子與氮原子之間的sp2鍵結所組成的平面結構。然而,它最特別的特性是擁有廣闊的能隙高達(~5.7eV),且在二維材料中只有六方氮化硼是屬於絕緣的性質。在這優越的絕緣特性下,六方氮化硼可用於相當多的應用,例如: 介電質層,可撓式基板和遠紫外光射線。近年來,在六方氮化硼中的原子缺陷可調控其能隙,可用於量子射極的運用。
摘要(英) Accompany with the graphene, the two dimensional material is also attracted particular attention due to the outstanding properties and potential for application. Besides, boron nitride is a III-V group combined with boron and nitrogen atomic that the stoichiometry is 1:1. For two dimensional material, hexagonal boron nitride is combined with boron and nitrogen in horizontal plane by sp2 bonded. Then, its particular property has large band gap (~5.7eV) and also it is only the isolator property in two dimensional group. In this isolator properties, hexagonal boron nitride can use at the dielectric layer, the flexible substrate and deep ultraviolet emitter. Recently, its point defect can change the band gap that is useful for the quantum emitter application.
    In this study, we utilizes the low pressure chemical vapor deposition to grow two dimensional hexagonal boron nitride on the copper foil. By visiting the effect of hydrogen to argon ratio in as-copper and copper oxide foil, we need to find a suitable growth condition for suppress the density of h-BN nucleation. However, we find the density of nucleation that indeed can succeed to limit by copper oxide substrate at the initial time. After then, the nucleation will spring up like mushrooms because the copper oxide reduces very fast by hydrogen gas and the nucleation side was form by boron radical that it mainly precipitates from copper foil. Therefore, we also can use the JMAK model to prove the domination of mechanism of h-BN is from nucleation. This result can indicate the h-BN is always high density of nucleation and small grain on the copper foil. It mean that if effective controls boron concentration on substrate, it will grow large grain and low density of nucleation hexagonal boron nitride.
關鍵字(中) ★ 二維材料
★ 化學氣相沉積法
★ 六方氮化硼
論文目次 Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Chapter 2. Background 4
2.1 Introduction of hexagonal boron nitride 4
2.1.1 Hexagonal boron nitride history 4
2.1.2 Chemical vapor deposition of hexagonal boron nitride 7
2.1.3 Other method for hexagonal boron nitride massive fabrications 11
2.2 Hexagonal boron nitride morphology 19
2.2.1 Domain size 19
2.2.2 Orientation and epitaxy 23
2.3 . Raman spectroscopy 27
2.4 Etching effective in h-BN 30
2.5 Avrami equation (JMAK model) 32
Chapter 3. Experiment setup and method 39
3.1 Sample preparation 39
3.1.1 Electro-polished of copper foil 39
3.1.2 CVD hexagonal boron nitride growth 40
3.1.3 Transfer hexagonal boron nitride to SiO2 substrate 41
3.2 Scanning electron microscope 42
3.3 Micro-Raman spectroscopy 43
Chapter 4. Results and discussion 45
4.1 Characterization of the hexagonal boron nitride 46
4.2 Influence of different treatment for substrate 50
4.3 Growth mechanism with hydrogen 53
4.4 Oxidation of copper in ambient 59
4.4.1 Growth h-BN on As-copper with different hydrogen proportion and time 61
4.4.2 Growth h-BN on the copper oxide with different hydrogen proportion and time 66
Chapter 5. Conclusion 79
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指導教授 溫偉源(Wei-yen woon) 審核日期 2019-6-26
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