摘要(英) |
Compared with Heidegger′s special metaphysics "oblivion of Being." In author’s view, the current state of architecture is " oblivion of Deconstruction ." Because the current architectural education tends to be constructed, but deconstruction. However, construction and deconstruction are both the part of life of the building. In addition to production, construction and use, the construction is also important for repair, demolition and recycling. The author intends to propose a new set of architectural teaching material, a set of attitudes for facing to life, and a three-stage foundation from the "universal architecture" to build a complete and universal architectural and life education.
At present, the foundation of architectural education with construction as its foundation is limited. The unities of architecture are construction and deconstruction. The first stage of the foundation of universal architecture is to philosophize the existing architectural education and find a more universal and essential foundation. In the first chapter, "The Philosophy of Architectural Education", the current architectural education curriculum is philosophized and introduced into educational philosophy, historical philosophy, scientific philosophy, adult education of thinking architecture, the education of architectural history, and the applied science education of architectural structure. In the first stage of the foundation, the philosophicalization of architectural education is a method to find the universal and essential knowledge base of architecture through the existing architectural education.
In the second stage, the second chapter "Architectural Philosophy", we explore the words of philosophy and architecture in time, space, modernity, postmodernism, structuralism, deconstruction, etc., but there are completely different interpretations and applications in the circle of philosophy and architecture. For example, the deconstruction of "deconstructive architecture" is not Deshida′s deconstruction, but represents the architectural "style" of building on broken, discontinuous, non-historical emotions, emphasizing visual stimulation and using high-tech materials. . By understanding the ideological context behind philosophical theory, it supplements, criticizes, and deepens the theoretical foundation of architecture and becomes the foundation of complete and universal architectural practice.
In the third stage, the final third chapter, "Use of Architectural Philosophy", composed by the philosophicalization of architectural education in the first stage and the philosophicalization of architectural theory in second stage. We learn the philosophicalization of architectural education, thinking about architecture with philosophies; and having the philosophical theory of architecture and the use of architectural philosophy. It is a method of comprehensively thinking about architecture in philosophy and building philosophy in architecture. |
參考文獻 |
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4.Richard Bailey, 2010, The SAGE Handbook of Philosophy of Education, New York:SAGE Publications Ltd.
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