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楊士弘(Szu-Hung Yang)
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財務金融學系在職專班 |
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採用CSR評鑑篩選對投資績效影響之研究 (The Impact of CSR Evaluation Screening on Portfolio Performance)
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摘要(中) |
摘要(英) |
This study examines whether a listed company that has issued a CSR report in Taiwan is the investment target. Compared with the average company, could it make better investment performance? and further explore if there is a report and a company Good performance of social responsibility assessment, investment performance is better? This study further explores the use of the above-mentioned excellent companies as investment portfolios in an indexed approach.
Whether performance can exceed the market and keep pace with the benchmark index.
At present, there are few documents related to social responsibility investment in Taiwan. Most of the literature is aimed at corporate social responsibility or corporate financial performance. For this reason, this study takes the enterprises that issued the corporate social responsibility report of Taiwan listed companies in 2016 as the research object. In 2016, the company that issued the Corporate Social Responsibility Report and the company that has received social responsibility assessment in 2016 will form a portfolio to discuss whether its portfolio remuneration can exceed the comparative investment portfolio and market market. The empirical results show that all 2016 The investment portfolio composed of excellent enterprises with corporate social responsibility assessment has excellent annualized return rate and annualized standard deviation than the broader market; this study further explores the screening of stocks under the above conditions, and then with existing existing indexes (such as Taiwan 50 Index or Taiwan Corporate Governance 100 Index, etc.) Selecting the portfolio of stocks and stocks, the rate of return can almost beat the market, and the results show that companies that do their best in corporate social responsibility can be more favored by investors in the stock market. Result in portfolio return Now that can beat the market and Benchmark.
Keywords: CSR, Investment Performance, Taiwan 50 Index,Taiwan Corporate Governance 100 Index
關鍵字(中) |
★ 企業社會責任 ★ 投資績效 ★ 臺灣50 ★ 臺灣公司治理100指數 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ CSR ★ Investment Performance ★ Taiwan 50 Index ★ Taiwan Corporate Governance 100 Index |
論文目次 |
一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景及動機 1
1-2 研究目的 2
二、 企業社會責任及文獻探討 3
2-1 企業社會責任(CSR) 3
2-2 社會責任投資(SRI) 4
2-3 臺灣企業社會責任揭露規範及評量發展方向 12
2-4 相關文獻 14
三、 研究方法 15
3-1 選股策略 15
3-2 成分股權重計算及指數編製規則 16
3-3 投資績效衡量標準 17
四、 研究驗證 18
4-1 樣本敘述 18
4-2 有發行CSR報告書與投資績效之相關性 25
4-3 有發行CSR報告書同時有企業社會責任評鑑與投資績效之相關性 29
4-4 以天下CSR評鑑分數之選股策略績效比較 33
4-5 以遠見雜誌獲獎企業之選股策略績效比較 43
4-6 以證交所公司治理評鑑之選股策略績效比較 47
4-7 選股策略綜合比較 50
五、 結論與建議 52
六、 參考文獻 53
參考文獻 |
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2019-7-10 |
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