博碩士論文 106458004 詳細資訊

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姓名 李育修(YU-HSIU LEE)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系在職專班
論文名稱 台灣銀行業高階經理人薪酬與銀行特性之關連性分析
(Analysis of the Relationship between the Compensation of Senior Managers in Taiwan Banking Industry and Bank Characteristics)
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摘要(中) 以代理理論作為出發點,本文探討分析台灣銀行業高階經理人薪酬與銀行特性之關聯性。研究中將銀行業高階經理人薪酬分為總薪資與獎金紅利二部分,分別與銀行規模、經營品質、財務績效進行迴歸分析。從實證結果發現,銀行高階經理人總薪酬與銀行規模有顯著正相關。在銀行的經營品質指標中,變數資本適足率 (Capital Adequacy Ratio, CAR) 與高階經理人總薪酬則呈負相關。最後重要的結果是,銀行高階經理人之獎金紅利確實受財務績效指標顯著影響,顯示台灣銀行業仍然視高階經理人對於銀行的獲利表現與業務成長的貢獻作為薪酬制度的依據。
摘要(英) This thesis takes the agency theory as the starting point, and focuses on the issue of senior manager compensation which is an importance issue of corporate governance. This study invesitigates the factors affecting the compensation of senior managers in Taiwan’s banking industry. The senior managers payment is divided into two parts, including total salary and bonus dividend. We use the regression analysis with bank characteristics, management quality and business financial performance to study determinants of senior managers compensation.

The empirical results show that there is a significant positive correlation between the total salary and the size of banks. Among the bank′s management quality indicators, the capital adequacy ratio (CAR) is negatively related with the total salary. Finally, the bank managers’ total bonus is indeed significantly affected by the financial performance indicators, suggesting that Taiwanese banking industry still focus on the senior managers contribution to the bank′s profitability and business growth.
關鍵字(中) ★ 高階經理人
★ 薪酬
★ 銀行特性
★ 財務績效
關鍵字(英) ★ senior manager
★ salary
★ compensation
★ bank characteristics
★ operating performance.
論文目次 目錄
中文摘要 i
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
第一章、緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究架構 4
第二章、文獻回顧 5
2-1 代理問題、高階經理人與薪酬之意涵 5
2-1-1 代理問題 5
2-1-2 高階經理人定義 6
2-1-3 薪酬的內涵 6
2-2 銀行高階經理人總薪酬與銀行規模之關聯性 7
2-3 銀行高階經理人總薪酬與銀行經營品質之關聯性 8
2-4 銀行高階經理人 10
第三章、研究方法 13
3-1 樣本資料與資料來源 13
3-2 變數定義 13
3-3 研究假說 15
3-4 研究方法與實證模型 17
第四章、實證結果與分析 20
4-1 樣本敘述性統計 20
4-2 相關性分析 22
4-3 實證模型分析 23
第五章、結論與建議 26
5-1 結論 26
5-2 建議與未來研究方向 27
參考文獻 28
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指導教授 高櫻芬(Gau, Yin‑Feng) 審核日期 2019-7-16
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