摘要(英) |
With the rapidly changing market development, factors such as industry competition, product market share, organizational efficiency, manufacture technology, and R&D innovation can have strong impact on the profit or growth of an enterprise. In order to analyze the pros and cons of enterprise operational efficiency and its future potential, this study summarized four fundamentals and an eight items matrix for measuring operational efficiency based on balanced scorecard and the Intellectual capital theory. ROA and enterprise value matrix with different basis such Tobin’s Q that represents the accounting basis and the market basis were used to investigate the relationship between enterprise value and operational efficiency.
The main criteria used to choose the sample for this study is whether a company is part of the domestic Apple industry chain, and a total of 500 listed domestic companies were chosen. The companies were divided into Apple supply chain and non-Apple supply chain before performing regression to examine whether a significant relationship exists between each component of the operational efficiency matrix and the enterprise value in both the short and long term. The regression result from Apple supply chain and non-Apple supply chain showed that although part of the operational efficiency matrix has varying impact on ROA and Tobin’s Q, its relationship with enterprise value is clear and can be accounted for. This means that the higher the operational efficiency of an enterprise, the higher its value.
In addition to providing enterprise mangers with a reference for operational goal, strategy formulation, and operational planning, this study also demonstrates an evaluation framework that managers can reference to optimize operational efficiency management. By using this matrix framework, the managers can continue to observe, measure and analyze the operational functionality and activity of the enterprise, understand the firm value efficiency evaluation status. This serves as an excellent opportunity to improve operational efficiency and enable growth in firm value.
Keywords:Tobin’s Q , Firm value , Balanced Score Card , Intellectual Capital , Operational Efficiency .
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