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姓名 李協諭(XIE-YU LI)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 統計研究所
(On the Construction of Multi-Stratum Factorial Designs)
★ Optimal Multi-platform Designs Based on Two Statistical Approaches★ Subdata Selection : A- and I-optimalities
★ A Compression-Based Partitioning Estimate Classifier★ On the Study of Feedforward Neural Networks: an Experimental Design Approach
★ Bayesian Optimization for Hyperparameter Tuning with Robust Parameter Design★ Unreplicated Designs for Random Noise Exploration
★ Optimal Designs for Simple Directed/Weighted Network Structures★ Study on the Prediction Capability of Two Aliasing Indices for Gaussian Random Fields
★ Predictive Subdata Selection for Gaussian Process Modeling★ Optimal Designs on Undirected Network Structures for Network-Based Models
★ Data Reduction for Subsample in Gaussian Process★ Gaussian Process Modeling with Weighted Additive Kernels
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摘要(中) 對於無結構實驗單位的因子設計,Fries 與Hunter(1980)提出的最
的實驗單元結構。Chang 與Cheng (2018) 提出一種貝氏決策準則,它是
問題上。對於處理最佳化問題,粒子群優化演算法(PSO) 已是非常流行
摘要(英) For unstructured experimental units, minimum aberration in Fries and Hunter (1980) is a popular criterion for choosing regular fractional factorial designs. Following which, many related studies focused on multistratum
factorial designs with multiple error terms that arise from the complicated structures of experimental units. Chang and Cheng (2018) proposed a Bayesian criterion, which can be considered as a generalized version of the minimum aberration for selecting optimal multi-stratum factorial designs. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is a popular optimization method that has been widely used in various applications. In this thesis, a new version of PSO is proposed to select regular and nonregular multi-stratum designs. We treat defining words as particles in PSO and link PSO with Design key matrix for selecting regular ones. For nonregular multi-stratum designs, we treat treatment combinations as particles in PSO.
關鍵字(中) ★ 最小像差
★ 最佳化設計
★ 粒子群優化演算法
★ 設計鍵矩陣
關鍵字(英) ★ Minimum Aberration
★ Optimal Design
★ Design Key matrix
論文目次 1 Introduction p.1
2 Literature Review p.3
2.1 Multi-stratum p.3
2.2 Tool p.11
3 Algorithm p.17
3.1 Regular factorial design p.17
3.2 Nonregular case p.23
4 Application p.25
4.1 Regular case p.25
4.2 Nonregular case p.32
5 Optimal designs with random effects p.35
6 Conclusion p.38
Bibliography p.39
參考文獻 [1] Chang, M.-C. and Cheng, C.-S. (2018). A bayesian approach to the selection of
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Quaternary codes. The Annals of Statistics, 37, 2561-2581.
指導教授 張明中(Ming-Chung Chang) 審核日期 2019-7-12
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