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姓名 裴孟俊(Manh-Quan Bui)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 擴展矩陣分解用於數據表示
(Extending Matrix Factorization for Data Representation)
★ Single and Multi-Label Environmental Sound Recognition with Gaussian Process★ 波束形成與音訊前處理之嵌入式系統實現
★ 語音合成及語者轉換之應用與設計★ 基於語意之輿情分析系統
★ 高品質口述系統之設計與應用★ 深度學習及加速強健特徵之CT影像跟骨骨折辨識及偵測
★ 基於風格向量空間之個性化協同過濾服裝推薦系統★ RetinaNet應用於人臉偵測
★ 金融商品走勢預測★ 整合深度學習方法預測年齡以及衰老基因之研究
★ 漢語之端到端語音合成研究★ 基於 ARM 架構上的 ORB-SLAM2 的應用與改進
★ 基於深度學習之指數股票型基金趨勢預測★ 探討財經新聞與金融趨勢的相關性
★ 基於卷積神經網路的情緒語音分析★ 運用深度學習方法預測阿茲海默症惡化與腦中風手術存活
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摘要(中) 在本文中,我們提出了幾種新方法 擴展矩陣分解,包括非負矩陣分解(NMF),、複數矩陣分解(CMF)、與主成分分析(PCA)相結合的捲積神經網絡(CNN)。我們的方法不僅僅適用於一般的數據表示,特別的是可用於圖像分析,同時超越了圖像處理領域的最新技術水準。
基於NMF模型的開發,論文設計了兩種約束NMF模型 為了獲得稀疏表示。特別是對於第一個型號我們構建了一個合適的單純錐底座,它結構緊湊且具有很高的泛化能力,我們將此模型命名為魯棒的最大體積約束圖非負矩陣分解(MV_GNMF)。第二,我們添加了新約束 增強稀疏性 代表權。在此,大基錐和稀疏表示 強加於非負矩陣分解 與Kullback-Leibler(KL)分歧(conespaNMF_KL),它通過基礎上的大型單純錐約束和提取特徵上的稀疏正則化來實現稀疏性。
复矩陣分解(CMF) 楷模 是自然延伸 NMF,其中處理複雜數據。這些型號具有廣泛的應用,例如 人臉識別 和臉部表情識別。最近,CMF和示例嵌入複雜矩陣分解(EE-CMF)[37]顯示了面部表情識別中強大的數據表示方法,其中像素密集的實際值轉化為複雜域。按照[37]中的工作,我們開發了CMF方法來增強數據顯示的能力,通過將更多約束集成到EE-CMF模型 中,以獲得圖正則化的示例嵌入复矩陣分解(gEE-CMF)和稀疏性分別用稀疏性約束(sEE-CMF)模型實現樣本嵌入複雜矩陣分解。此外,我們還提出了兩種複雜領域的數據學習方案,即 複雜域(PCMF)和(DPCMF)上的無監督和監督學習方法。
摘要(英) In this dissertation, we proposed several new approaches to extend matrix factorization including nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF), complex matrix factorization (CMF), and convolution neural networks (CNN) integrating with principal component analysis (PCA). Our approaches are not only specifically suited for data representation in general and for image analyzing in particular but also outperform to the state-of-the-art in image processing field.
Based on the development of NMF models, the thesis designed two constrained NMF models in order to obtain the sparsity representations. Particularly, for the first model, we constructed a proper simplicial cone base which is compact and has high generalization ability. We named this model is the robust maximum volume constrained graph nonnegative matrix factorization (MV_GNMF). For the second one, we added new constraints to enhance the sparseness of representation. In this, a large basis cone and sparse representation were imposed on non-negative matrix factorization with Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence (conespaNMF_KL). It achieves sparseness from a large simplicial cone constraint on the base and sparse regularize on the extracted features.
Complex matrix factorization (CMF) models are natural extensions of NMFs, in which the complex data is treated. These models have a wide range of applications, e.g. face recognition and facial expression recognition. Recently, CMF and exemplar-embed complex matrix factorization (EE-CMF) [37] show the powerful data representation in facial expression recognition, in which the real value of pixel intensive is transformed into the complex domain. Follow the work in [37], we developed CMF approaches to enhance the ability of data display by integrating more constraints into EE-CMF model such as graph to obtain the graph regularized exemplar-embed complex matrix factorization (gEE-CMF), and sparsity to achieve the exemplar-embed complex matrix factorization with sparsity constraint (sEE-CMF) models, respectively. We also proposed two schemes of data learning on complex field, namely unsupervised and supervised learning methods on the complex domain (PCMF) and (DPCMF).
Principal component analysis (PCA) is known as a powerful technique for dimensionality reduction and multivariate analysis, whereas convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are powerful visual models that yield hierarchies of features. Taking the advances of these models, we proposed the model (CNN-PCA) by combining them together to acquire a discriminative data representation.
Experiments on face recognition, facial expression recognition, and human action recognition reveal that the proposed methods extract robust features and provide consistently better recognition results than compared methods.
關鍵字(中) ★ 數據表示
★ 計算機視覺
★ 非負矩陣分解
★ 複雜矩陣分解
★ 深度學習
★ 卷積神經網絡
★ 特徵提取
關鍵字(英) ★ Data representation
★ Computer vision
★ Non-negative matrix factorization
★ Complex matrix factorization
★ Deep learning
★ Convolution neural network
★ Feature extraction
論文目次 摘要.........I
Abstract....... II
Acknowledge.... IV
List of symbols and abbreviations...... VII
List of Figures........ XI
List of Tables..........XIII
Chapter 1 Introduction......... 1
1.1 Principle component analysis...... 1
1.2 Non-Negative matrix factorization.. 2
1.3 Kernel machine.............. 2
1.4 Complex matrix factorization....... 3
1.5 Convolution neural networks... 3
1.6 Research problem............ 4
1.7 Research objectives and contributions...5
1.8 Thesis overview............. 6
Chapter 2 Preliminaries......... 9
2.1 Matrix theory............... 9
2.2 Optimization in the real domain.... 11
2.3 Optimization in the complex domain...12
2.4 Nonnegative matrix factorization and kernel method ...17
2.5 Deep learning method........ 18
Chapter 3 Extending Nonnegative Matrix Factorization ......22
3.1 Introduction................. 22
3.2 Maximum volume constrained graph nonnegative matrix factorization.................... 23
3.3 Large basic cone and sparse subspace constrained nonnegative matrix factorization with Kullback-Leibler divergence for data representation......31
3.4 Conclusion................... 38
Chapter 4 Extending Matrix Factorization on Complex Domain.......................... 39
4.1 Introduction ............. 40
4.2 Euler mapping and cosine dissimilarity.... 43
4.3 Constrained exemplar-embed complex matrix factorization................... 44
4.4 Projective complex matrix factorization and discriminant projective complex matrix factorization ........................47
4.5 Kernel nonnegative matrix factorization.... 49
4.7 Experiments........ ........55
4.4 Conclusion.............. 70

Chapter 5 Extending Matrix by Jointing Convolution Neural Networks and Principal Component Analysis..... 72
5.1 Introduction......... 72
5.2 The proposed model...........74
5.3 Experiments.........77
5.4 Conclusion...... 80
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Works...81
6.1 Conclusion....... 81
6.2 Future Works....... 82
Bibliographies........ 83
Publications List...... 91
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指導教授 王家慶(Jia-Ching Wang) 審核日期 2019-5-1
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